
Sam E. Antar's Fraud Case

Satisfactory Essays

In March 1989, Sam E. Antar approached us with his lawyer and offered his confession in exchange for a plea bargain.

Sam E. Antar voluntarily furnished us with key information that led to the closure of our investigation.

In summary, the alleged fraud that occurred in Crazy Eddie, has been going on for almost 20 years.
In a statement given by Sam E. Antar:
“1969-1979: Skimming and under-reporting income (tax fraud) prior to the big plan to go public
(2) 1980-1984: Gradually reducing skimming to increase profit growth in preparation for the initial public offering, i.e., committing securities fraud by “going legit”
(3) 1984-1987: As a public company, overstating income to help insiders dump stock at inflated prices using a variety of fraudulent

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