
Sensorimotor and Pre-Operational Stages of Cognitive Development

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When a parent is knowledgeable about the stages of development their child goes through, they are better able to address the child’s needs, help them the child in their physical as well as cognitive development. help them to grow into healthy and successful adults, and to identify any needs they may have. In terms of childcare, when choosing the quality care their infant and toddler should receive, parents will know the right questions to ask when deciding on where to place their child and be able to discuss any problems or delays the toddler may have with the caretaker.

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development helps us to understand the developmental stages of a child from birth to 7 years of age. According to Jean Piaget, …show more content…

This will encourage their creative expression and concept development.
5. Tertiary Circular Reactions or “Let me try” (12-18 months) is a period of trial-and-error where the child purposefully explores new possibilities and testing the results (Santrock, 2013). For example, the child may try different sounds or actions to get attention.
6. Internalizations of Schemes or “Copycat” (18-24 months) is where children develop internal sensory images or words (symbols) to represent events or objects in their world (Santrock, 2013). Example: a child sees a box open and then close. Child mimics this action by opening and closing her mouth. *One activity you can try with your child is finger puppets where you encourage role playing and imagination.

*Please note that all of these activities can be found on Productive (Rempe, 2013).

The beginning of what is known as “object permanence” is learned. Object Permanence is when the child understands that objects continue to exist even though they cannot be seen or heard. For example, in the game peek-a-boo, a young infant will believe that the other person has actually vanished and act shocked when the person comes back. Older infants understand that the person still exist, even when they can’t be seen. At the end of the sensorimotor stage, the child is beginning to form simple

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