During the presidential campaign in 2007 president Barrack Obama in his speech said that ‘we know what to do, we’ve got to enforce laws that are in the book’ in his speeches, he alluded to the fact that we are not doing enough to enforce the already existing laws and this is exactly what in all these many words I have been trying to put forward. Implementation is in many ways a political function. In, effort to reduce gun violence without stricter gun control, our federal government needs to take the responsibility in enforcing the current laws. The justice departments need to be proactive with prosecutions especially with cases of falsification of background information for example in 2009 FBI reported 77,000 falsifications but only 77 or 1% were prosecuted. Congress also needs to approve enough funding for national instant criminal background check system (NCIS) and also states should be encouraged to provide more information regarding background information. The issue of straw man purchases should be well investigated and properly penalized. Organizations like the NRA and the community, who value gun ownership, needs to put the pressure on the federal government. In doing this, citizens have the right to file petitions to the state legislature, or place a ballet to be voted upon by voters, or just voting for those who have the power to make changes. In taking these actions, we can see that Congress will provide more funding, like grants for our current background check
Gun control is a very touchy topic in the US. mass shootings have made this subject harder to talk about, but Americas strong belief in the 2nd amendment make it impossible to completely take away our guns. The most recent mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado has sparked more interest in this topic from both activist and anti-gun advocates. Our culture has always heavily relied on guns for things like hunting, target shooting, and mainly personal protection. Would taking away our guns and to make a safer really work. This is the question will attempt to answer and my short persuasive essay.
More gun laws would have a negative effect on shootings and crime rates. Stricter gun laws would not prevent people from getting guns, would not prevent killings, and would not fare well with the people of the United States. Strict gun laws would only prevent law-abiding citizens from getting guns, and criminals would still be able to get them. Crime and shooting rates do not go down after increase in gun-restrictive laws are passed. People in the United States have the right to defend themselves from harm, and the 2nd Amendment right to own firearms.
Over the last decade or so, the United States of America has been shaken by an epidemic of terrifying mass shootings, devastating slayings of unexpecting victims, and unnerving annihilations of the innocent. There is no specific target, no explicitly sought-out group, nor definite individual. From a classroom of first-graders, to a crowded movie theatre, to a U.S. Naval yard, the location seems at most, random, other than that it is almost always a public place. The perpetrators responsible for these horrific murders also vary, and often surprise those who thought they knew them. However, while the occurrences of mass shootings are unpredictable and always shocking, most have one thing in
Over two hundred years ago our forefathers wrote the constitution of the United States and made our right to bear arms in the second amendment. However, many things have changed over the years and what seemed to be a great idea then, it doesn’t work now. I strongly believe that the government should make gun laws tougher and make it hard to own weapons. Certain laws should be in place to make it harder to obtain weapons. Stricter gun control laws will ensure drop in violent crimes, prevent household firearm accidents, and create a more peaceful society.
Gun control has been a highly controversial issue in the United States, especially in the wake of so many recent tragic mass shootings. For some people having a gun is a crime, and for others gun control is a right that belongs to us. But the question is, do we need stricter gun control laws? We believe that gun violence has gotten out of control with massive shootings, and we need to do everything to stop it.
Each person has their own idea of what our founding fathers meant when they put this in our constitution. Some people use guns as a hunting sport or for food. But then there are the ones who want to cause harm to each other. I still remember the morning of December 11, 2012. The day the Clackamas Town Center shooting occurred. A man entered a busy mall, killed 2 people and seriously injured another. He ended up shooting himself after causing all that fear and pain to the shoppers. My family and I had planned to visit the mall that day to take my relatives who came to visit from California, but we overslept. We heard the news on the radio on our way there and we turned around knowing we could have been there. The culprit stole an AR-15 from
The role guns play in our society has long been debated on whether or not citizens have the right to own guns. There are those who believe that guns have no role in the hands of private citizens. Whereas there are those who believe that guns are the very foundation that protects our rights and liberties expressed in the Constitution. The debate is over whether or not there should be stricter laws preventing people to own guns. Though gun control and gun rights advocates share similar views on background checks and requirements, each have different views on the safety of guns and the Second Amendment meaning.
The scene is all too recognizable. A troubled person pulls out a gun in a school, an office, or a shopping center, and he or she slaughters innocent men, women, and children. Recently, mass murders have occurred at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha’s Westroads Mall (Schwartz). These tragedies are not inevitable, so people wonder one question. Are guns in our society getting out of control?
One reason is that gun laws don’t need to be tightened,It’ll take too long to retake every gun bought and carried buy an everyday citizen. Reason, being people are saying that everyone needs to just tighten gun laws and that that it'll make a difference. Also people already have guns and most people have more than one gun.
Imagine somebody breaking into your home with the intentions of hurting you and your family and trying to take all your valuables that you own in your house, and not having anything to protect your loved ones. Without the protection of a firearm, the intruder could injure or kill all members within the household easily. In the United States, according to the Bill of Rights, a citizen has the right to bear arms, however, recently people have started to believe that guns only incite violence and therefore gun laws need to be more strict. Although, If you own the firearm for the right reasons and go through the process of having a carrying license, then that is within your rights to protect yourself and be able to own the gun. Therefore,
“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn 't do it. I sure as hell wouldn 't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.”
United States are the most top armed nations around the world, and there are 270 million guns which are held by US civilians (Brussel). With the large number of guns, it could become unpredictable without proper gun control. As an example, the tragedy was brought upon the nation on December 14 2012, twenty children and six staff members was killed by a single man at Sandy Hook Elementary school. New York passed the Ammunition and Firearms enforcement act of 2013 becoming the first state to respond to the tragedy in Newton, Connecticut (Rosebrugh). Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who signed it into law now requires gun licenses to be renewed every five years and background checks on all gun sales which makes New York one of the most challenging place to obtain a gun. The recent bill passed by New York should be a model for the Federal Law because strict gun laws could protect innocent lives from being taken away by groups of people such as criminals, or those who are mentally unstable.
Guns should not be allowed in America for simple reasons. Why allow guns when all they do is commit unspeakable and horrific actions? Is there really a need for people to have their own firearms to defend themselves? What's then the point of having authorities, who train hard learning to use a firearm in emergency situations? The restrictions on gun ownership would mean less shootings, less killings, and less families grieving's. Using Australia as an example, zero mass shootings since 1996 and significantly less gun-related offences. People would feel so much safer knowing they can walk out in society and not have to fear every-day for themselves and their families about gun-offences when visiting tourist attractions. Their individual consciousness
Of the approximate 875 million firearms legally owned in the world, American citizens own one quarter of these. Our second amendment, “the right to bear arms”, establishes this right for us. While this accounts for legally obtained firearms, those obtained illegally far exceed these numbers. There is no way to establish how many firearms are illegally possessed. Banning guns in America would only affect law abiding citizens. Criminals and those who want to acquire guns will go to any extent to get them either by stealing or through the black market. Legally abiding American citizens should have the right to own a gun in order to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property. Banning gun ownership hurts those who obey laws and have no effect on the criminals.
Our world is vulnerable to violence due to mass shootings and immature people getting a hold guns. Mass shootings can occur anywhere at any place and time due to how effortless it is to obtain any sort of firearm. My stance towards limiting future mass shootings would be to have a stricter approach towards firearms even if we have to revamp the 2nd Amendment. We should tighten the freedom of having firearms because of the ease of obtaining guns is making our country more vulnerable to threats and it will lead to less frequent shootings.