
Stop Illegal Oil Drilling In The Future Essay

Decent Essays

We can do many things to stop illegal oil drilling in the future, like using public transportation, walking rather than driving, and not wasting electricity. First, to stop illegal oil drilling, people could use public transportation more, rather than their own personal cars. Instead, they could take the bus to work or school. Or, people could get on a train or subway to get to their destination. You could also take a taxi to reach school or work. The reason using public transportation will help stop illegal oil drilling is because if people used public transportation, there is less gasoline being used because fewer vehicles are being used. If less gasoline is being used, less oil is being used, so there is no need to illegally drill oil. Second, …show more content…

If you know this, you will be able to plan your day better. The reason walking will help prevent illegal oil drilling is because if you do walk instead of drive, you are not using gasoline. If you don’t use gasoline, there will be less oil being used. This will result in less of a need to illegally drill oil. Lastly, people could stop illegal oil drilling by remembering to turn off the lights in their house when they leave and in their car. By doing that, it lets others know when you are not at home. It also saves the battery in your car, so you can use it for more important things. Another good idea is to get green light bulbs in your house. Not only do they save electricity, but they last a lot longer than regular bulbs. Remembering to turn off the lights in your home and car helps prevent illegal oil drilling because if you forget, you are wasting electricity. By doing so, you are wasting oil. If people didn’t waste electricity and oil, there would be less of a need to illegally drill oil. In conclusion, humans can do many things to stop illegal oil drilling, like using public transportation, walking rather than driving, and not wasting

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