| Research on Laptop Buying behavior of students in SIC | Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Research Methodology 2008-2010 | s | | |
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3 Background (Including Scope) 3 Research Methodology 3 Primary Research Objective 3 Secondary Research Objectives 3 Exploratory Research Findings 4 Research Methodology 4 Data Collection Method 4 Analytical Techniques 4 Time Schedule 4 Preliminary Decisions 5 Questionnaire Design 7 Analysis and Output Sheets-Crosstabs 10 Major Findings 27 Conclusion 27
Executive Summary
This report is a detailed analysis of the laptop buying behaviour of students in Symbiosis InfoTech
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An open ended questionnaire with 12 – 14 questions was distributed first among limited respondents to gauge the type of responses and direction of the respondents to the sample questions and the PRO in general. Based on the results generated, a preliminary questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire prepared was then circulated among the students of SIC campus for the responses
Data Collection Method
Most of the data was collected from the respondents using primary data collection methods – direct structured questionnaire / interview techniques. The respondents were the students of SCMHRD, SIIB, and SCIT within the campus of SIC.
The information from various sources is verified for accuracy, adequacy and pertinence to the objectives of this study. The data so obtained are coded and tabulated and recorded for analysis
Analytical Techniques
Analysis of the entire data collected from questionnaire is done by applying various statistical techniques such as Tabulation, Graphs and Charts, Chi-Square, Cross Tabs in a systematic manner
Time Schedule
The study was carried out from July 18th 2008 to 1st October 2008.
Preliminary Decisions
TITLE: To determine the effect of price on the choice of laptop.
INFORMATION NEEDED: Importance given to price of a
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate,
The information used in this report was gained from several different sources. For example, I have used information from my P4 survey, as well as my P3, M2 presentation and my M1 table of various data collection methods.
Although the amount of research conducted is valid to the nature of the source, it is insufficient for in-depth study purposes. There are no official studies or other valid sources used in this article and a bibliography, naturally, is not provided.
(A systematic analysis of primary data to identify relationships between patterns, trends, errors and anomalies is to be included. Secondary data should be included where appropriate and its source clearly stated. Analysis and comparison of both types of data should also be included.)
Internal validity of this study included data collection process and student personal interest in education. For example, students may have scored in exam because they concern about their own education. Reliability of this study instrument has not been tested. This is the first time this group will have this survey. There is no former survey to use as a standard to see if there are many changes.
The analysis of the data was done by employing the following statistical techniques which were chosen only after the investigator found them to be most appropriate and compatible to the data. Each statistical method is based upon its own specific assumptions regarding the nature of the sample, its universe and research conditions. These factors were considered in advance. Following statistical measures were
Data collected from research already conducted will be analyzed for limitations and to conduct a comparative analysis of the results. The survey completed by classmates will be used to collect
Another advantage of this report is its use of quantitative research. The selection of charts, tables and graphs are highly creditable in terms of measuring validity and reliability. It provides data with precise and non-bias numerical findings.
The data from this research study is clearly expressed, consistent and reflective of the data. There are primary sources cited in the article, and relevant landmark studies were described and used in this
Paper 1: - An abstract of paper 1 gives overall view of the study, method of study conducted, selected participants and their numbers. It also provides the evidence that how the data and results were collected. The abstract is showing the objectives and have
Throughout this report, the writer has conducted and gathered a number of primary and secondary sources to reflect and validate the
Data used in this study is from a previously prepared collection for a different study and hence does not require any instruments. Use of Microsoft Excel and graphpad, an online software, helped in calculating the results and analyzing the data.
Buyer Behaviour Report: The consumer decision making process as it relates to a consumer who is replacing their laptop.
The objective of this chapter is to describe the procedures used in the analysis of the data and present the main findings. It also presents the different tests performed to help choose the appropriate model for the study. The chapter concludes by providing thorough statistical interpretation of the findings.
A percentage of results will be used to check accuracy via inputting means, standard deviations and minimum and maximum scoring of questionnaires, ensuring missing values are categorised correctly. Missing value analysis will be used to identify any trends and managed appropriately. If outliers are identified, transformation, alteration or deletion will commence. The skew and kurtosis will be tested for significance. Tests for homogeneity of variance will be performed and managed appropriately. Descriptive statistics will be obtained followed by between-subjects analyses e.g. ANOVA or MANOVA.