
Studying the Consumer Buying Behaviour for Laptop

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| Research on Laptop Buying behavior of students in SIC | Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Research Methodology 2008-2010 | s | | |


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3 Background (Including Scope) 3 Research Methodology 3 Primary Research Objective 3 Secondary Research Objectives 3 Exploratory Research Findings 4 Research Methodology 4 Data Collection Method 4 Analytical Techniques 4 Time Schedule 4 Preliminary Decisions 5 Questionnaire Design 7 Analysis and Output Sheets-Crosstabs 10 Major Findings 27 Conclusion 27

Executive Summary

This report is a detailed analysis of the laptop buying behaviour of students in Symbiosis InfoTech …show more content…

An open ended questionnaire with 12 – 14 questions was distributed first among limited respondents to gauge the type of responses and direction of the respondents to the sample questions and the PRO in general. Based on the results generated, a preliminary questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire prepared was then circulated among the students of SIC campus for the responses
Data Collection Method

Most of the data was collected from the respondents using primary data collection methods – direct structured questionnaire / interview techniques. The respondents were the students of SCMHRD, SIIB, and SCIT within the campus of SIC.
The information from various sources is verified for accuracy, adequacy and pertinence to the objectives of this study. The data so obtained are coded and tabulated and recorded for analysis
Analytical Techniques

Analysis of the entire data collected from questionnaire is done by applying various statistical techniques such as Tabulation, Graphs and Charts, Chi-Square, Cross Tabs in a systematic manner
Time Schedule

The study was carried out from July 18th 2008 to 1st October 2008.

Preliminary Decisions

TITLE: To determine the effect of price on the choice of laptop.

INFORMATION NEEDED: Importance given to price of a

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