
Summary: Capsim Initial Financial Analysis

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Capsim Initial Financial Analysis Capsim is a business simulation that allows users to learn how to apply business strategies through a simulation. Capsim provides four practice rounds and four competitive rounds. After concluding the fourth practice round of Capsim, a financial analysis must be done individually. The purpose of this initial financial analysis is to understand if the company is healthy. After my analysis, I concluded that the company is not in a healthy state. The way I determined this was through the following three ratios: Return on Total Assets (ROA), Return on Stockholders’ Equity (ROE) and Debt-to-Equity Ratio. The first ratio used in the financial analysis was a profit ratio which is the Return on Total Assets (ROA). …show more content…

Return on Total Assets was 4.43% which is below five percent. That indicates that the company is not accurately converting its assets into profit. The total for Return on Stockholders’ Equity was 8.89%, however financial analysts prefer ROE to range between 15-20 %. The company’s low ROE indicates that the company is not generating profit with new investments. Lastly, Debt-to-Equity ratio for the company was 1.01 which indicates that investors and creditors are equally sharing assets. In the view of creditors, they see a high ratio as a risk factor because it can indicate that investors are not investing due to the company’s overall performance. The totals of these three ratios demonstrate that the company’s financial state is not as healthy as it should be. The unhealthy financial state of the company could be due to the split from the monopoly. Round 0 financial statements demonstrate last year’s results. The company should look into the future because there is room for growth and financial success. For instance, the company can decide to take long term debt to invest it back into the company. The company can also focus drastically on sales to increase their customer base and obtain a higher market share. If the company takes the right direction of growth, it will quickly become a healthier

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