
Summary Of The Ohio State Model Of Leadership Program

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In the 1950’s the University of Ohio created the Model of Leadership program so corporations could measure standards, behaviors and plans used in various situations. In addition to this, Fernandez, (2008), states, the program also analyzes information from performance measurements so they can comprehend relationships between corporate supervisors and employees (P.1,).The Model of Leadership program compares corporate opportunities find the characteristics and behaviors of competent business leaders. This program uses diverse business opinions and employee performance to comprehend how these plans, behaviors and relationships influence the success and failure of organizations. Fernandez, (2008), also states, these facts influenced research on power, influence, managerial and ownership theories being used to manage corporations (P.1,). The Ohio State Model of Leadership program also enables authorities to produce competent appraisal opinions, techniques and requirements for current businesses. …show more content…

For example, the situational program examines and compares the effects of corporate conditions relationships and behaviors on their employee’s. Virkus, (2009), also states, supervisors use situational approaches to improve their employee’s confidence, competencies and performance while they are working (P.1,). Situational approaches also help supervisors easily direct and show employee’s how to complete routine employment tasks. These approaches also, help supervisors make sound business decisions and it also helps them quickly resolve business management issues. My choice of leadership style would be the situational approach since, it motivates leaders ,employee’s , builds confidence, improves performance, addresses essential questions ,concerns and it helps employee’s improve their thinking

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