
Survivor's Guilt : The Moral Logic Of Survivor Guilt

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Every year, thousands of innocent people blame themselves for a death they could do nothing about, often times making things much harder for them. That is called survivor guilt. Survivor guilt is feeling guilty about surviving a life and death situation when somebody else was either hurt or killed in the incident. Many people argue about whether or not survivors of life and death situations need survivor's guilt. Some people believe survivors of life and death situations should be impacted by survivor's guilt, and others do not. Survivors of life and death situations should feel survivor's guilt.

One reason survivors of life and death situations should feel survivor's guilt is because it shows that the victim cares. The editorial text “The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt”, by Nancy Sherman, explains how normal survivor guilt is and the good things it can do for a person. In this story it says “The anguish of guilt, its sheer pain, is a way of sharing some of the ill fate”. This shows that even though guilt can feel horrible, feeling the guilt means that the person cares enough about the situation to feel survivor's guilt. This proves survivors of life and death situations should feel survivor's guilt because having a guilty feeling shows that they cared. Often times, caring can help a person through their situation because being able to care about what happened shows that the person didn’t do it on purpose, and that they are still good people. Another reason survivors of life and death situations should feel survivor's guilt is because it helps the healing process. On the website, in the article “Survivor’s guilt”, it explains how survivor's guilt can positively affect the victim’s life. In this article, it mentions “Those who survive may transform their guilt into a sense of increased meaning or purpose.” This shows that survivors guilt can make the situation better by using it as something to grow off of and that can help a person’s emotions begin to heal. This proves that survivors guilt can help with the healing process because the guilt can become something more meaningful and good. The survivor can adjust to the situation and prosper from it in many different ways.

However, some

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