
Tattoos Senior Project

Satisfactory Essays

My senior project was over the History of Tattooing, I chose this as my topic because Tattoos really interest me with all the different styles and meanings behind them. Some things I already knew about Tattooing is a lot of tribes used tattoos to symbolize things, but I didn’t know what. With my research I expected to find a lot more upfront information, like maybe a for sure area on where they originated and exactly how it spread, but it was so spread out it was hard for anyone to pinpoint exactly who did them first.
Doing my senior project I found out that just doodling a Tattoo is difficult because you wouldn’t want it to be flat or too simple, so you have to really but in detail and attempt to put in depth to help your piece come to life even before it’s on skin, What I did was I put in a different color where the bottom area of the tentacle is and tried to do highlighting with some silver to give more depth. My mentor assisted me with ideas also with her Tattoo in general. …show more content…

looking at my project I was hoping for better but my talent isn’t as great as hers, so I tried my best with color scheme and “flair” to help out my lack of ability with the design itself the octopus.
I do though like my Piece it was fun to do! But some questions I have Is how to get the piece to come to life?! And who brought the idea of tattoos to life? And what region in the world does the most elaborate tattoos? My overall thoughts on my senior project is that this was a definite stretch for me with time management, and stretching my knowledge in tattoo history and with my artistic ability it was a real stretch for that I’ve never done animals

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