
What Is The Compromise Of The Korean War

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The Korean War was fought between North Korea (aid of China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (aid of the United States). The Korean War started June 25, 1950 when North Korean forces invaded South Korea. The Korean War ended on July 27, 1953 with the Korean War armistice.
The reason why the Armistice is such a great compromise is because nothing really changed with it. Both Korean countries still had almost the same amount of land afterwards and kinda the same borderline. Reason why this is so big is because unlike a normal treaty where there is usually land change, there was was no land change in the Korean Armistice. Also, with nothing really changing when the Armistice was signed that means that both countries still stayed with the same governments.
Secondly, the Armistice is such a great example of compromise with conflict because the Korean Armistice never actually ended the Korean War it just ceased fire (Korean Fast Facts CNN). This is a huge thing because it still allows even more compromise in modern days. Since the Armistice never actually ended the Korean War and only ceased fire if North and South Korea ever wanted wanted to unification they could that and it would be easier than if they had signed an actual peace treaty (CNN).
The Armistice signing not only ceased fire but the Armistice states that the countries had to pull out all military personnel from either country. “In order to insure the stability of the military armistice so as to facilitate the

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