
The Current President Of The United States

Decent Essays

The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, has been a particularly modern president, using social media in many ways to bolster his political agenda and even setting a few online records along the way1. He utilizes social media to not only seem more modern and knowledgeable of current technology, but as a gateway to reach more people through appeals to his audience’s pathos and ethos. He garners public support and gives out specific information2 through his new, ‘personal’ twitter3, therefore we will focus mostly on that account. In the 21st century, it is incredibly important to understand the close relationship between social media and rhetoric.
The 2008 presidential election was the beginning of a new era in politics4. While media such as television and newspapers focused on Obama’s race and birthplace, the now elect president was focusing his resources on the internet. Particularly social media, such as Facebook. His efforts were worthwhile, seeing how he overcame all obstacles and won the election. It proved social media’s, and the internet’s, true reach and power, as well as how intelligent Obama was in arguably being one of the first few politicians to tap into its true potential. His application of rhetoric in this new platform was ingenious, and it convinced the American people that he was a capable, modern man; an appeal that many established but older candidates lacked at the time.
Due to how recent this development in politics is, it’s not

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