
The Development of Attachment Essay

Decent Essays

The Development of Attachment Psychological research can inform us about the development of attachments to a certain extent. Mary Ainsworth actually covered a definition explaining, how we know when an attachment has developed. This is; 'the infant tries to get close to and maintain that proximity with the caregiver, using a number of strategies to do so. E.g. clinging and signalling behaviours such as smiling, crying and calling.' The fact she has outlined this definition obviously shows she must have evidence to back her definition up. John Bowlby's view on attachment is that it is very important to ensure the survival of infants. Attachment must be two-way in order to ensure good care. The …show more content…

However, the friendly responses to other people decrease and the infant treats strangers with increasing caution, (stranger anxiety). Schaffer and Emerson (1964) responded to some of Bowlby's earlier research by conducting a longitudinal study of sixty infants who came from working-class homes in Glasgow. The infants were observed over a period of one year in their home. This study has high ecological validity as the surroundings the mother and infant were in were true to life. Most infants showed separation protest at seven months, which indicated a specific attachment to one person. Within one month after the investigation, 29% formed multiple attachments and 78% formed multiple attachments within six months of the first specific attachment. In 39% of the cases, infants did not show their first specific attachment to the person who fed or bathed them. Responsiveness appears to be the key to attachment. Intensely attached infants had mothers who responded quickly to their demands and who offered the infant the most interaction. Infants who were weakly attached have mothers who failed to interact. They then produced their own stage theory consisting of three distinctive stages. The Asocial stage (0-6 weeks)- emotional behaviour such as smiling and crying does not seem to be directed specifically at any given individual. The next stage was the

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