
The Documentary Food Inc.

Satisfactory Essays

Most people in America don’t know where their food comes from, including me. The documentary Food Inc sets out to expose how big businesses are creating a monopoly over the food industry by mistreating animals, decreasing federal regulations, and creating a veil between the consumer and manufacturers. Along with these concerns, Food Inc brings to mind valuable lessons on stewardshid and causes us to consider the Christians role in it. The first issue that is addressed is the mistreatment of animals. Animals were designed to worship the creator “he said the were good”. In current times animals are modified and crowded treated for one purpose…money. They are forced to be crowded in one pin, living in there own feces. Their diets have been modified to what can fatten them up. The animals live to die. …show more content…

Walk in the super market, what do you see? Farms, fields of corn happy cows, and isles of divers food. It is all just a cover up. It’s a blindfold to what actually is the truth. The truth is food isn’t that diverse, there is actually only five different company’s handling our food. They oppress farms and control the world’s food source. The put farmers in debt where they have no choice but to go back to the big companies, if they battle the company they get shut down. There is one company called Monsanto they control the corn and pesticide industry. 30 percent of the world is set-aside for he growing of corn and company’s pay farmers to over grow and plant no other crop. Monsanto makes it where farmers cant save their seeds and the most efficient pesticide can only work with Monsanto seed. There is no way to battle theses corrupt companies and farmers are at a loss on what to

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