
The Essence Of The Debate

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The Essence of the Debate
Divine Election according to Calvin
One of the most valuable key sources of information on the subject of divine election is John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. He began weaving doctrinal revelation and explanation together in 1536 and finished the text in 1559. The initial composed manuscript presented comprehensive perspectives aligning with the four points of the Apostle’s creed. As time passed, Calvin decided to instruct readers in the rudiments of Christianity and offer a clear confession by which the French king could judge Reformation’s supposed heresy. The twenty first chapter of the third book of this work offered his understanding on the subject of divine election.
The first line of this section explains “the covenant of life is not preached to all, and among those to whom it is preached, does not always meet with the same reception”. God has chosen, according to his mere pleasure, to spontaneously offer salvation to some and destruction to others. Although much scriptural evidence exists supporting this understanding, this revelation remains a mystery. Paul’s declaration in the Book of Romans suggests divine election “cannot be known unless God, throwing works entirely out of view, elect those whom he has predestined”. Hence, individuals need to remember that this subject of predestination is hidden in the recesses of divine wisdom. All are not born on the same terms; some are destined for eternal life and others

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