
The Foundations Of Culture Of India

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Foundations of Culture

1. Describe the traditional way of indoor cooking in rural and semi-¬urban areas of India, including the type(s) of fuel used for cooking. What types of foods are usually prepared?
As many parts of India are yet not develop, the people in India still cook over an open fire inside their homes. Their stoves are composed of clay, but many steel use a three stone fire triangle elevated to a point where it is able to support a pot. Many Indian people still do not have natural gas running through their house like in the United State, so their alternatives to natural gas are wood, animal dung, agricultural waste, and charcoal. The Indian people are among some of the countries that uses animal dung while cooking, they believe that the animal dung purifies their ovens when it is burn. When cooking Indian people tend to use a lot of pieces when preparing their dishes, some of the dishes that are usually prepared depend of the region and religion. To the north of India they tend to eat a lot of flat bread the south tends to eat a lot of rice. Coastal areas tend to eat more fish, and chicken and sheep tend to be eaten more in the Mountain regions.
2. What risks does traditional indoor cooking pose to users? What effects have already been documented?
There is a large number of risks that traditional indoor cooking poses, and most of the people that it affects are women and children. Some of the risk that it poses are respiratory risk this is because while

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