dnesday, 22 June 2016, 12:13 AMmodified on Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 10:39 AM
“Shareholder value. Our goals for 2016 are primarily focused on increasing shareholder value.”
As I watched many of my colleagues being escorted out of the building on a Wednesday morning in March 2016, my thoughts wandered back to those words spoken at our most recent employee forum from the previous month. Our CEO was on his annual tour of the country speaking to thousands of employees along the way. The message was a positive one. Success in 2015! Projects completed, money saved, and improved customer satisfaction. All of these accomplishments made possible by the innovative and hardworking staff working both behind the scenes and on the frontlines. Now, it was time for new challenges. The message was clear as our CEO transitioned his discussion from our past achievements to our future goals, “We are focusing on shareholder value”.
My phone rang. It was my young, now former, colleague. He had left some personal items behind but he was no longer permitted to enter the building. I grabbed his items and headed out of the building to meet up with him. When we spoke, he struggled to hold back tears as he explained that Human Resources and Management indicated that in a cost-saving effort, our head office had decided to reduce staffing by 1/3rd. Truth be told, he was one of the hardest working employees in the department. But the decision was made at a very high level and wasn’t
I would advise the CEO that to better serve the company’s desire we would start with a strategic plan by setting goals and objectives. It would be best to elicit the opinions of every staff member on how they feel about the company’s goal. After listening to the staff opinions on how best to implement the goals, a plan is to be put in place detailing the steps by steps on how to achieve each tasks. I would emphasize to the CEO the importance of setting goals and communicating them effectively to the staff members, especially those who will be the managers. Additionally, the CEO is to consider the needs of each individual in the company. It is important to address both the task and the needs of the employees ( Phillips & Gully, 2014).
Aflac “strives to deliver quality services to its 4,500 employees while staying competitive in the insurance market” (Reed, 2015). The team determined that part of the employee satisfaction resulted from Aflac’s decision to not lay off its employees during economic
In March of 2012 Steve Parkland was hired as the new president at Charles Chocolates. He was immediately faced with numerous decisions about the future of the company. The board of directors had tasked Parkland with doubling or tripling the size of the company over the next decade, but the board and the senior management team had different opinions about the strategy that would accomplish this goal. The main issues that Parkland faced were how to increase the company’s operations while maintaining the traditional culture and support of the board.
A breakdown of our overall long-term strategy as well as the year-by-year decisions and review will follow in order to assess how well we met investor expectations as well as attempting to beat
The CEO, Howard Schultz, has developed a mission and guiding principles of how the corporation should handle their day
The company transformation from private equity ownership with an immediate shift of CEO marked new challenges for the company. The company has been going through rigorous changes to keep up with the strong
In 1989, David Packard, the co-founder of Hewett-Packard put into writing the company’s organizational values which was to be used as the HP’s way and also use as a management tool and as a criteria for daily decision making. These company values have been reinforced by the company’s current CEO, Meg Whitman and they are: 1. Integrating critical opposites- to create an organization that sustain its competitive advantage regardless of the
The image of the company is a lot dependent on how everyone will interpret and implement the message of the Statement of Vison and Values. Clients now view O&M people as “uninvolved, distant, and reserved”. Beers needs a way to reach all employees as effectively as she has done with the few key people: challenging them to be more creative, to toss aside the old rules and really embrace the new Vison.
As Thompson (2015) has discussed, the world is changing fast and organizations must be flexible in handling changes to be able to thrive well or they may experience dilemmas. In 1997, Apple Company, which almost reached bankruptcy ousted its that time CEO, Gil Amelio, where Steve Jobs replaced him and declared himself interim CEO. Apple that time is experiencing a disruptive change, a change that is radical and immediately happening, in other words unexpected. However, they were able to response to it quickly and prevented the company to hit the very bottom by bringing back Steve Jobs. Jobs had so much idea with him, which the company needed most at that time (Time, 2016).
Our choices led to a constant increase in net income over the three years. Short term debt increase by approximately 100% percent but steadily reduced over the next three years. We were happy with the positive growth of the company and the fact that we were able to pay off most of the initial short term funding required by the increase in working capital requirement. Overall the current situation of the company in 2018 is good, although the total value created is less than 20% of that created in phase 1. From this we learned that the value of the firm can be significantly increased more through a reduction in working capital requirement than through increasing the firm’s sales and net income.
Executive Summary of “Value and Momentum Everywhere”, C. Asness, T. Moskowitz and L.H. Pedersen, The Journal of Finance, 2013
Jack Emmons, CEO of Voici Brands realizes that his company is in trouble and a change needs to take place before it is too late in order for the company to succeed and not go out of business. Jack has to address the issues at hand. Jack needs to take a thorough look at the company before deciding what changes need to be implemented. He needs to get his unit managers and board members involved in the process. Before doing this, Jack must approach the unit managers that are suffering the most, review the situation, the impacts that it is having on the unit and then figure out how to deal with the problem. He must
All private equity firms have money to invest – what makes a private equity firm unique is the investors, through their guidance, expertise, and commitment. However, in order to turn these skills into a competitive advantage, it is necessary that, 1) you have a clear and consistent message, and 2) that the message is heard. This memo offers recommendations to increase the credibility and visibility of your firm, increasing deal flow through low-cost, high-impact activities.
The case study Renovating Home Depot was the case of a leader who joined a successful business only to discover that the company was running out of growth opportunities and also did not have the basic systems needed for increased growth in place. Robert “Bob” Nardelli was chosen as the CEO of Home Depot based on his proven ability to reenergize slow-growth businesses. He was a leader that went all out to achieve his goals and was identified as someone who was “comfortable in his own suit”, and believes in being successful his own way. He made several innovations which were used in General Electric (GE) where he recorded past successes. We see the success demonstrated in the growth of revenue in Home Depot, as well as opening
The main corporate objective that Stephen Elop brought forward was to regain the lost market share when he stated that “…we are working on a path forward-a path to rebuild our market leadership…” The corporate objective would be communicated in future on February 11.