
The Major Difference Between Religion And Science

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Science and religion have always been on opposing ends of the spectrum when it comes to most issues. This is most evident in the long running dispute between creationists and evolutionists about the origins of life. Evolutionists believe in evolution through natural selection, while creationists believe that the universe and all the life in it was formed by divine creation. This dispute started in the late 18th century and has only intensified as the years went on. Before the 18th century a lot more people believed in divine creation, but as science progressed, more and more people switched sides to the evolutionist side. The major difference between religion and science is the fact that science can be tested through repeatable formulas, while religion is based solely on faith. While science is based on empirical evidence, religion and spirituality are based on intuition and supernatural forces. Although these concepts seem to be conflicting, it’s not always one or the other, there is some overlap. Often times they can work in congruence with one another. For example, one can believe that life was created by a divine being and still believe that life has changed as a result of evolution. People that dismiss the notion of evolution altogether are usually the ones that interpret religious texts literally and believe there is no room for any other interpretation. Furthermore, just because a person believes in evolution it does not mean that they are an atheist who attributes

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