Mitigating Cloud Computing Risks The high regard to cloud computing is on the rise due to its ability to improve flexibility, expand access to data, and lower costs. Cloud computing discharges organizations from requiring their hardware and software infrastructure to be acquired and maintained (Leavitt et al., 2009). On the other hand, while there is much noise being made about the benefits of cloud computing, questions have been brought up with respect to whether cloud computing is safe especially when it comes to its privacy, security, and reliability. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the different general controls and audit approaches for software and architecture, cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, and virtualization. This paper gives a summary analysis of the recent research that is available. Additionally, risks and vulnerabilities associated with public clouds, private clouds, and hybrids have also been researched. Within the research conducted, there are important examples provided. Recommendations are shown on how organizations could implement and mitigate these risks and vulnerabilities. This paper even outlines a list of IT audit tasks that focuses on a cloud computing environment due to the results of the analysis, the risks and vulnerabilities, and the mitigation controls. Summary Analysis of Research Available As devices become more complex and diverse, policies and forms of technological interactions advance, so do the related risks from
In the 1950’s, Senator Joseph McCarthy turned Americans against each other by installing fear in the people regarding toward Communism. During this time, in fact, people were getting blacklisted even if they weren't communist. In an incident at the Republican Women’s Club of Wheeling, McCarthy delivered a speech. The situation involving the Senator escalated when he stated that the State Department is infested with Communist. In this point in time, due to the false allegations, people went on a decade long period of witch hunts. Sam Roberts, the author of “A Decade of Fear” stated that in fact, “...thousands of alleged Communists in the U.S. were arrested and deported during what became known as the Red Scare.”
This report describes the activities and tasks carried out during a 10 - week, full-time internship at the American International Group (AIG). The document contains information about AIG and the responsibilities performed throughout the period between June 1st and August 14th 2015. More than a plain account of tasks, the objective of this report is to reflect upon the experiences collected during the internship from the perspective of an MS student in Management
Cloud computing has set a trend in the information technology arena that has sparked the interest of all who utilize the internet on purpose and unsuspectingly. Initially, the primary purpose of cloud computing was to provide a centralized data bank that organizations could use for quick data access. Its use has been quickly adapted, however, beyond business use to become the first option for personal use. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing such a shift from business to personal are varied, yet, statistically, according to the CISCO Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014-2019 White Paper, its public use is on the rise. The report notes that “by 2019, 56 percent of the cloud workloads will be in public cloud data centers, up from 30 percent in 2014 and by 2019, 44 percent of the cloud workloads will be in private cloud data centers, down from 70 percent in 2014”. Though disadvantages with regard to data security is prominent, users have deemed that its implementation will still promote greater benefits than loss.
This essay is about an accident that happened to me last year, and how did it changed my entire life.
Over the past several years the term cloud computing has become common in homes and organizations alike. Cloud computing can be defined as a pooled set of computing resources that are furnished via the internet. There are three types of cloud services typically available, these services are Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Organizations can benefit greatly from cloud services because they eliminate the need to buy and manage physical resources. Although such an action cuts cost it leaves organization victim to the vulnerabilities and threats that exist in cloud computing. Throughout this paper I will discuss the vulnerabilities and threats that come
Although it was published toward the end of his life, Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales was his longest and most popular work. The plot is made up of tales told by thirty-one different pilgrims as they embark on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. His initial idea was to have each pilgrim tell four stories a piece during the pilgrimage, but Chaucer either died before finishing or decided to change this idea, as only twenty-four tales presently make up the work. The prologue of the novel goes into great detail describing each pilgrim’s personality and pointing out whatever flaws they have (Rossignol 1). There are a few characters considered idealized in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, but all of the other
The referenced journal article applies to the research topic because it is important to know how Cloud Computing affects company’s internal controls. In addition, it is important to understand what Cloud Computing is and the benefits it offers businesses. This study will help provide valuable information to the reader when researching Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing is regarded as one of the most rapidly developing technologies in the present world and giving superb solutions to the small and medium sized enterprises with remarkably low cost. The data of the entrepreneurs is stored in the cloud servers and accessed by the users of the company. But there is reasonable doubts are instigating the users of the cloud computing data availability, confidentiality and the security. Cloud Computing has become famous because of the low cost and customizable business needs to be provided with its three basic services IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Many research works have been done to incorporate a strong security to prevent the possible threats in cloud computing. The securities incorporated in cloud computing for data security, Application security and transactional security. In developing the security the relative analysis has to be done, a suitable frame work has to be instigated and a novel approach has to be followed for the management of security in cloud computing. In establishing the security the architecture of cloud computing has to be taken care in relation with SAAS, PAAS and IAAS implementation
By introducing the intense programming which were extremely difficult to hack the servers move toward becoming more secure however it includes certain financial costs furthermore for the organizations which were eager to upgrade to such security components. Centralization is likewise one more factor that makes the cloud innovation the most secure one as it guarantees the simple control particularly to the customers of PaaS and IaaS models. Cloud security is centered around the single area on the primary server which is much better than the idea of individual organizations controlling the security of various servers at various areas. Through cloud security better treatment of the framework in a sheltered and secure way is accomplished. In organizations, if business is coordinated with the cloud administrations they may confront bring down dangers and enhance responsibility and kept up since the cloud specialist co-op is in charge of taking care of the whole thing. Therefore, the business require not to have money related incurrence and due to this reason it is important to pick the most committed organization to give the administrations, further developed safety efforts should have been actualized. The organizations in a need to guarantee development via completing the profound examination with respect to the
Cloud computing is an emerging Information Technology (IT) model whereby a company utilizes a pay-per-use service for it computing needs rather than maintain a local data center run by its in-house IT department. By treating computing resources as a commodity or operating expense, it allows firms to focus less on IT and more on the core elements of the operations strategy. Because of advantages like this, its popularity has grown exponentially in recent years. However, cloud computing also has certain inherent risks in its present form. This paper seeks to understand the key advantages driving businesses to adopt this computing model in ever increasing numbers,
Nowadays, cloud computing has penetrated into every corner of Internet industry with its low-cost computing resources, easy scaling architectures, and everywhere on-demand services. Security issues is the most important issue faced by people in the use of cloud computing data storage services [1].The advantage of cloud is cost savings. The prime disadvantage is security. The security risks associated with each cloud delivery model vary and are dependent on a wide range of issues counting the understanding of data quality’s, cloud architectures and safety measures organizes engaged in a exacting cloud atmosphere. With public audit capability, a trusted entity with expertise and capabilities data owners do not hold can be entrusted as an outside
It would be fair to say that cloud computing has changed the way the business used to do. With the evolution of cloud computing, IT companies can get software to hardware and infrastructure to staff requirement on demand. Cloud service providers also fully mange the services which can be provided at any time. Cloud computing utilizes a combination of the internet (cloud) and computer technology (computing). It is broadly defined as methods to deliver information or services to customers who pay for what they use. It uses the architecture in which one provider is giving services to multiple organizations. This paper, I will be discussing about risk and challenges of cloud computing. My main focus on the paper will be over cloud, its standardization, challenges/concerns and current business transformation.
Abstract—With the increasing trend of technological advancements, the deployment of business applications and processes has greater reliance on the paradigm of cloud computing. The tenants are facilitated on a “pay-as-you-go” approach with respect to the infrastructure, software and platform services. The acceptance of cloud computing model among the consumers is based on its cost-effectiveness in terms of maintenance of the resources along with the flexibility and efficient performance. Nonetheless, certain concerns associated with the data security and credibility of the services are still there that are required to be eradicated for its sustained acceptance within the ICT industry.
Section 2 deals with related works to this survey, and give generalizations of those works as they pertain to this paper. The third section details the parts of the cloud IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS, and how they are deployed using public, private, hybrid, and community clouds. It also speaks of the data centers and the need to understand setting them up, location, humidity, political, governmental, and energy-saving aspects to ensure high cloud high uptime. The authors’ talk of certain threats such as physically breaking into data centers, malicious employees, and exploits by those in the community who search for vulnerabilities.
Cloud computing is steadily increasing as a viable enterprise technology solution. Information technology literature reports an expected boost in enterprise adoption of cloud computing in the next few years. Business plans to transition operations to cloud computing are also commonly reported. Despite these trends, there are many businesses that remain skeptical of the benefits of cloud computing and continue to support information systems in an on-site location. Careful planning and due diligence is essential to ensure that the most beneficial cloud computing model is utilized to meet business needs. This use case explores cloud computing methods, reviews security concerns regarding virtualization, and considers mechanisms to better