
The People 's Insurance Company Of Canada

Decent Essays

Name : Dolphine Bisase
Id : 213349311
Assignment: Midterm Assignment, Management 3990

While the intention was that the People 's Insurance Company of Canada (PICC) would have an organic organizational structure, this intention was at least partially offset by the close integration of the Insurance company with the parent People 's Bank. The result was an entity in which the superficially organic, generally non-hierarchical Insurance organization has been overridden by the highly hierarchical and mechanistic bank organization. The PICC’s actual structure has both mechanistic and organic aspects. With regard to work specialization, it is generally narrow and mechanistic with the VP for HR, Mary Thorne, fighting an ongoing battle with the Bank on the grounds that PICC needed staff with specialized skills in the insurance industry. With respect to chain of command, while the structure of PICC was intended to be open, non-hierarchical and organic, it is clear that it is generally mechanistic in its most important aspects. For example, while there may be an open office environment in general, the senior team members have private offices. Similarly, while the the emphasis of PICC is towards self-managing teams, many approvals - such as new purchases - had to be signed off by multiple layers of the bank 's management. Thus, the chain of command is very rigid in terms of its senior decision-makers. In terms of centralization of decision-making, it appears that

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