
The Production Of Oil Prices

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Overview Over the past year oil prices have dropped significantly. This is mainly due due to an increase in technology, which has allowed for a significant increase in the production of oil. The United States whose top import is Oil has started to produce more oil domestically. Oil prices have dropped from $110 a barrel of WTI to a whopping $41. This reduction in the demand for oil would usually curb supply, but many countries are afraid to curb supply incase of loosing market power. Another reason prices are dropping is people are being more environmentally conscious and reducing there oil use. In recent years we have seen many alternative fuel sources introduced into the market and people seem to gain utility from “going green” even if it cost more. The reduction in oil prices is heavily affecting economies that are reliant on oil exports. Oil prices, which continue to drop, are negatively affecting the GDP of countries who are reliant on oil exports. This drop in prices is can be simply by supply and demand there is most evidently a higher supply of oil then demand has brought prices down. Since the oilrigs have already been drilled countries rather sell oil at a loss then not sell any oil at all, so that some of the money can be recovered. This means countries are choosing not to curb the supply but continue to produce even though the market price is so low. Overview of Norway Norway is a country that is heavily reliant on oil exports. In fact there top three

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