
The Transition Of Central Bank

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The last five years have been peculiar for the global economy, with recession looming around. Consequently, the role of future monetary policymakers and the interpretation of the effects of the policies have become desperately critical. In order to restore the ailing financial markets, central banks have engaged in activities aimed at reducing the interest rates to zero and expanding the balance sheets. The efforts have gone a long way toward preserving the financial markets and saving the global economy from further depression. However, the actions carry long-term risks for central banks and the economies. This paper will delve into the transition of central bank roles in the wake of the recession.
Future of Central Banking
Central bank existence is justified by the role it plays in the economy. The Federal reserve bank of America plays a dual mandate role as stipulated by the congress act introduced in 1977. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) recent statements indicate the committee’s commitment towards the dual mandate. The committee believes that the solution to the recession that currently hits the economy is its commitment to the dual mandate. However, its push towards achieving the dual mandate is the cause of the slow pace recovery (Orphanides, 2014). For success in the future, central banks should only focus on one target at a time. A more limited role of the central bank is conditional for the economy to recover and grow from recession (Orphanides, 2014).

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