
The United States, Colonialism, And Imperialism

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Throughout american history, examples of the United States’ domination of the political, economic, and social aspects of other countries can be seen. This domination, also known as imperialism, was primarily caused by a growing sense of nationalism, the influence of supply and demand, and a desire to maintain global military power. Imperialism is categorized into three different groups: colony, protectorate, sphere of influence. TRANSITION SENTENCE

Colony imperialism is when a territory or other area of lady is governed directly by a foreign country. A prime example of colony imperialism is the Purchase of Alaska. The United States Secretary of States, William Seward wanted Alaska since 1860 because of its potential trade value and resources such as timber, gold, and trout. The purchase of Alaska began in June 30th 1861 when gold was discovered in Alaska for the first time, sparking the United States and other colonizing powers interest in the territory. Russia feared that they would lose Alaska so they began to discuss selling it to the United State in 1866. . There was disapproval on both sides of the trade. Russian were upset at the amount of money put into settling Alaskan territories that would be lost after the sale of Alaska. Americans didn't see the purpose of the sale and one American journalist went as far as writing, “Why does America need this ‘icebox’ and 50,000 wild Eskimos who drink fish oil for breakfast?”(Presentation). It took a full year for the House of

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