
Tier 2 Essay

Decent Essays

All the changes you need to know about the Tier 2 (General Visa) The government of the United Kingdom has recently introduced changes to its immigration policies. Almost every visa category has been tweaked, amongst which is the Tier 2 (General) visa. Applicants and sponsors are advised to adhere to the new ruling starting 6 April 2017. 1. Immigration Skills Charge Employers sponsoring Tier 2 migrants are now required to pay an Immigration Skills Charge (ISC) of £1,000 (US$1,248) per skilled worker per year. Smaller organisations and charitable institutions will enjoy a discounted amount of £364 (US$455). Companies sponsoring for PhD and Graduate Trainee roles are exempt from the new fee. ISC must be paid in full and not in installment; thus, a …show more content…

Minimum Salary for Experienced Hires Applicants will need at least £30,000 minimum salary (from just £25,000) to be able to qualify for this visa. Select job posts from the health and education sectors (e.g. medical radiographer, nurses, paramedics, and secondary education teaching professionals in maths, physics, chemistry, computer science and Mandarin) are exempt from this increase until July 2019. Presently, the minimum salary requirement for these sectors is £20,800. 3. Minimum salary for High Earners The High Earners, or those with employers who have been exempt from conducting a Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT) when they initiated their sponsorship application, must need to make at least £159,600 to qualify for a visa extension or to settle permanently in the country . Employers sponsoring high-earning applicants must also improve their offer to get a green light from the UK immigration office. 4. Salary rates in the Occupational Codes of Practice Since the Standard Occupational Classification Codes of Practice for Skilled Workers has been recently updated and the majority of the job posts on the lists will experience salary rate tweaks. View the complete list here. 5. Expanded RLMT

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