
Torture in Abu Ghraib Essays

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The author Allen S. Keller, M.D., is the director of the Bellevue Hospital Center and belongs to the member’s advisory council on human rights. (p.558) He is well known for his advocacy on the various use of torture tactics used on Iraqi prisoners and other refuges. During a Congressional meeting Mr. Keller stated "To think that abusive methods, including the enhanced interrogation techniques [in which Keller included waterboarding], are harmless psychological ploys is contradictory to well established medical knowledge and clinical experience." (“CNN”, 2007)
In this paper, I summarize the article and identify relevant information and any changes that may have occurred since the publication of this article. I will also offer comments and …show more content…

That there are long term physical and psychological consequences of torture in regards to Iraqi detainees due to months of abuse and mistreatment. The lack of sound medical professionals also needs to be called to attention. Upon the interviewing and debriefing the detainee victims in this case, resulted in significant long term physical and psychological suffering. Forensic psychological evaluations tests such as the Istanbul protocol were conducted on both former Iraqi detainees of Abu Ghraib. (Keller, 2006) The use of this test confirmed the significant amount of torture both physically and psychologically.
Although Keller offered persuasive evidence to support his analysis of significant psychological trauma, from mistreatment during imprisonment, Keller has failed to prove his case on long term physical trauma as a result of abuse. However he proved beyond a doubt that both detainees indeed do suffer and continue to suffer psychological stress do to abuse endured. One psychological stressor proven is both individuals suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as a direct result of imprisonment and abuse of which prior to imprisonment and some investigations, both individuals were psychologically sound. While both allegations of torture and abuse documented in the article

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