
Twin Studies Unit 2

Decent Essays

Unit 2: Developmental psychology
Twin studies have been a large part of the growing debate on whether genetics or environment (nature v. nature) is responsible for the cognitive, socio-cultural and biological development. In order to properly assess twin studies it is important to know why and how they are relevant in psychology. Identical twins are especially effective in research particularly in the field of developmental psychology and behavioral genetics due to the monozygotic genes which means they originate from a single zygote (fertilized egg) which essentially means they share 100% of the same genes. Due to this exact copy of genes between twins means this can be efficiently be used in order to observe the impact of …show more content…

Psychiatrist Irving Gottesman of the University of Virginia also believes if one child has schizophrenia their identical twin are at double the risk and overall schizophrenia occurs more frequently in identical twins. Also, in one other separate study with 522 pairs of twins showed that genes heavily influenced optimism and pessimism although pessimism is more largely effected by genes then is optimism. Not only are personality traits and mental disorders influenced by genetics but a study by McGue in 1933 suggested that shared environment on adult intelligence has at most little influence, suggesting that genetics is more of a …show more content…

Within this experiment they used a questionnaire in order to identify the sexual orientation of their twin. Results from this experiment showed that 52% of the identical twins were homosexual and only 22% were homosexual for the fraternal twins. In conclusion these results were able to highlight a genetic pattern within these numbers, especially since they found a similar pattern in lesbian participants. Michael Bailey an associate professor of psychology in Northwestern University also studied the correlation between genetic influence and sexual orientation. Through these studies there was a clear conclusion that if one twin was gay there was a 50% chance the other twin was also gay, and thus showing somewhat a genetic influence on sexual orientation although not

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