
Usability, Interaction, And Visualization

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Usability, Interaction, and Visualization
The trends for usability, interaction, and visualization consider interoperability. Scholars showed that the European Commission (EC) are promoting networked enterprise information system interoperability (Agostinho et al., 2015, p. 5). They are complementing research in the U.S. and Asia to become “breeding environments towards novel knowledge-based approaches that could improve a future model-driven sustainable interoperability” (Agostinho et al., 2015, p. 5). This shows the international concern for having infrastructures and standards that can interact across physical borders. The future indicates increasing sharing of knowledge and resources, in order to come up with standards and systems that …show more content…

Personal Opinions on IT Trends
Data Value Chain Management I think that data mining is one of the main concerns of data value chain management. I believe that managers should grapple with the ethical issues of data mining and provide criteria for ethical data mining practices. If the company is using information that customers willingly give, then this is not considered as big data mining. If, however, they tap data from other companies and use that for their own marketing purposes, they need to consider how to best approach customers without them complaining of privacy and confidentiality breaches. In addition, data mining is an important aspect of the business, which will continue affecting the development of new products/services or the modification of existing ones. Managers should find ways of collecting data that is most useful for business decisions, so that they would not be overwhelmed of the breadth and depth of consumer data.
Context Awareness Context awareness will further change how ICTs are designed and developed. Right now, many people are becoming both localized and globalized in their business concerns. I think that the concept of going glocal is not even a sufficient term to capture the changing interactions and links between global and local business and IT concerns. The fluidity of markets, among other factors,

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