
Who Killed The Electric Car Essay

Decent Essays

Many years since the mid-eighteenth century society in America have created order by which making a government under a constitutional protection of property and freedom to establish control. America’s famous democracy has sparked major controversy since the late 1930s, when president Franklin Delano Roosevelt defined, “Its the control of government by big corporations.” Big businesses including oil companies, Nestle, and Kraft control the government, which the government controls the American people. This problem ripples from one side to another like dominos falling in a staight line. America has the highest child poverty, highest adult poverty, highest unemployment rate, with a crumbling public structure - however, huge multi-billionaire …show more content…

They stated that carbon emissions do not impact the earth and that global warming is normal on earth. The government bought it! (Probably since oil companies control their actions) They only trusted what the corporation told them, but not the American people. Many studies from universities and various scientist have found evidence that fossil fuel emissions have a huge impact on the world. Historically, America has sided with big oil companies mainly for economic purposes. In the movie Who Killed the Electric Car, is a prime example of corporation control that overthrew the governments power. The electric car was revolutionary when it was invented; however, after six years the electric car was recalled and destroyed. The answer to why they were recalled was that the oil companies were afraid that they were going to lose their monopoly, so they destroyed all the electric vehicles. The government did nothing to intervene; however, they allowed the corporation to do what they wanted to do to keep their funding towards the government. Executive director for Energy and Climate Solutions, Joseph J. Romm accurately declares, “There is no question that today oil companies control the government and incentives to discourage alternatives.” Like in the movie corporations do control the government's choice and actions for the

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