
Who is Jefferson Davis?

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Jefferson Davis had many different roles throughout his life. He was a colonel in the Mexican American War, Davis was elected into the senate, and was a U.S. Secretary of War. His most important job, was his presidency of the Confederate States during the Civil War. Jefferson Finis Davis was born on June 3, 1808. His parents were Samuel Davis and Jane Cook Davis. Davis’s father fought in the American Revolution, which led our country to freedom. Besides Jefferson his parents had nine other children. Not wanting anymore children after Jefferson they gave him the middle name Finis which means last in Latin. Davis was born in Kentucky but moved to Mississippi when he was a young child. He considered Mississippi his home state because he spent the majority of his life there. (“Jefferson Davis”) Davis went to many different schools throughout his childhood and teenage years. He started school when he was eight and went to a boarding school at Saint Thomas College. Two years later he went to another boarding school called Jefferson College. Davis’s role model was his oldest brother, Joseph, who wanted him to have a good education and future. So in 1823 he continued his schooling and went to Transylvania University in Kentucky. A year later two important things happened, one great and the other tragic. Davis got into West Point, a military academy, but around the same time his father passed away. So this is when Joseph became even more important in his life, he encouraged Davis

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