
Why Do Irs's Failure To Receive A Return Audit?

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According to the IRS Data Book, the chances of being audited have remained steady over the last few years, yet nearly half a million fewer people are being audited per year compared to 2011. In 2013 and 2014, the chance of having a return audited was .7%. In 2015, the chance of being audited dropped to .6%. Due to federal budget cuts, audited rates will likely remain the same or decrease over the next few years.

Types of Audits

There are two types of audits that the IRS uses when determining if additional taxes are owed. The first and least intrusive is called the correspondence audit, which is an examination by mail and phone. More serious cases may warrant a field examination, which is when an agent discusses potential concerns with …show more content…

This common practice influences tax evaders to fraudulently claim donations. For people that legitimately donate large sums of money to an organization, it is beneficial to request a receipt for tax purposes. Claiming excessive donations will give the IRS a reason to look toward the possibility of an audit.

5. Failure to Report

Individuals who fail to report their income are at higher risk of receiving an audit or field examination. This is most common among freelancers and small business owners. In general, it is only a matter of time until the IRS will investigate into self made income. When people purchase expensive homes or vehicles while their taxes show that they are living in poverty, the IRS begins searching for omissions in income.

6. Round Numbers

When the IRS sees that the numbers on a tax return are in intervals of hundreds or thousands of dollars, they have reason to search more deeply. It is best to be as accurate as possible, even down to the penny, when submitting tax forms. Claiming a business expense of $2,357.23 is much more trustworthy than a business expense of $2,400. The IRS requires receipts during audits, so it is beneficial to keep rigorous records of anything submitted during tax …show more content…


Receipts will help to ensure that the tax documents are accurate. In case of an audit or examination, receipts will offer evidence to support any claims. It is important to keep these receipts for seven years, as the IRS may decide to open an investigation years later. It is best to always request a receipt in any financial transaction.

3. Evidence

It is acceptable and beneficial to include any additional information as evidence when filing tax forms. Increased donations to an organization may be accompanied by a documents explaining the reason for additional charitable gifts. The IRS is much more accepting of claimed deductions and losses when supporting documents are provided.

4. Incorporation

The risk of being audited for people who are self employed is much higher than for other people. It would be beneficial to incorporate the business. Small businesses which are registered with the government are less likely to be audited than individuals who are self employed. Many people who are self employed often choose to claim an income lower than their actual income.

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