
Why Is Motivation Important For An Organization?

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For Human Resource departments, finding ways to motivate employees can be frustrating. Some Human Resource departments use incentives like days off or even big ticket items like tablets for rewards. Others use monetary motivation like extra pay for a few hours or even a bonus check. Understanding the theories that drive motivation will help a manager or even Human Resources department find what while work for their employees. For this assignment, I am going to describe and discuss several motivation theories. In order for a managing team to be successful an understanding of these basic theories is the key for success.
Why is motivation important in an organization? According to Grensing-Pophal (2002), motivation is giving employees a reason to perform something. Motivated employees are more likely to miss less work, perform at a higher level, and be more likely to stay at their current company. All of these effects will result in a more successful business.
The first set of theories I am going to discuss is need theories. According to Jones and George (2011), need theories of motivation center around the idea that employees are motivated to perform at work in order to fulfill some need. The need theories I am going to discuss are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Alderfer’s Existence, Relatedness, and Growth Theory.
The first theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Grensing-Pophal (2002) stated that Maslow developed five levels that describe the needs of a

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