
Why The Canadian Government Should Impose A Sales Tax Of $ 1

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If the Canadian government decide to impose a sales tax of $ 1 on every gallon, this excess burden taxation of taxation will have tremendous impacts on the viability of the project. However, the government will raise an estimated revenue of $ 5 million all things being equal at the equilibrium point E1. By levying additional tax of $1 dollar on every gallon of product demanded, the new price shifts to $5 per gallon, this as well affects the equilibrium quantity.
At the new equilibrium point E2, the equilibrium quantity shifts inward to 4,000,000 barrels. There is a deadweight loss of $1 trillion which the market cannot account for as shown in the triangle depicted on the graph.
What effect does the excess tax burden have on the demand …show more content…

It is necessary to discount a project at a reasonable rate, because, the money we have at hand today will less valuable than the money in future. Why is the so, the value of money today will be less compared to what the same money value can buy in the future because money value also fluctuates, and the value of money is affected by economic situations such as inflation, depression, boom and bust circles, devaluation among other things.
This is equally true that money is subject to depreciation, despite its function as a storability of value and as standard for deferred payment in the future. The same goes for the cost-benefit and the impact a fall in value of money will have on the profitability and viability of a project on the long run. Even if the estimated earnings from a project was realized in terms of money, the viability of the project will depend on the net present value of the money earned on the short run compared to its value on the long run when the project wounded up in the future.
Discounting a project at a reasonable rate, takes charge of the possible depreciation of the project value in the future. Estimated returns on a project can dwindle for so many reasons such as market fluctuations, price changes, technological innovations, depreciation in the value of money. Even the fixed assets of production are subject to the law of diminishing returns. A pipeline value can be fixed but that value depreciates over time due to ageing, wear

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