
Home  »  A Dictionary of Similes  »  Thomas Campbell

Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Thomas Campbell

Like angel visits, few and far between.

Bow’d like weeping willows.

Bright as the bow that spans the morn.

Calm as the fields of Heaven.

Cold as the rocks of Torneo’s hoary brow.

Colde as ston.

Dark as winter.

Dreadful as the storm.

Fade like stars before the sun.

Fleet as the whirlwind.

Frail as the leaf in Autumn’s yellow bower.

Mute as the dead.

Sad as angels for the good man’s sin.

Squat as the figure of bronze upon a Chinese drawing.

Steals lingering like a river smooth along its grassy borders.

Strong as beechwood in the blast.

Sudden, as creation burst from naught.

Tippled like a fish.

Like angel visits, few and far between.

Wild as that hallow’d anthem sent to hail
Bethlehem’s shepherds in the lonely vale,
When Jordan hush’d his waves, and midnight still
Watch’d on the holy towers of Zion hill.