Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
Lines on the Death of His Son Charles
By Daniel Webster (1782–1852)M
Thy morn of life was gay and cheery;
That morn has rushed to sudden night,
Thy father’s house is sad and dreary.
And kissed thee laughing, kissed thee weeping;
But ah! thy little day is done,
Thou’rt with thy angel sister sleeping.
Is broken, ere those years come o’er me;
My funeral rites thou shouldst have seen,
But thou art in the tomb before me.
No parent’s grave with tears beholdest;
Thou art my ancestor, my son!
And stand’st in Heaven’s account the oldest.
Thy generation after mine,
Thou hast thy predecessor past;
Earlier eternity is thine.
The road to Heaven, and showed it clear;
But thou untaught spring’st to the skies,
And leav’st thy teacher lingering here.
And hasten to partake thy bliss!
And oh! to thy world welcome me,
As first I welcomed thee to this.
No prayers for thee need more be made;
Oh! let thy prayers for those be given
Who oft have blessed thy infant head.
And led thy tottering steps with care;
Before me risen to Heaven’s bright morn,
My son! My father! guide me there.