Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
On General Ethan Allen
By Lemuel Hopkins (1750–1801)L
His tushes broke by biting nails,
Appears in Hyperborean skies,
To tell the world the Bible lies.
See him on green hills north afar
Glow like a self-enkindled star,
Prepar’d (with mob-collecting club
Black from the forge of Beelzebub,
And grim with metaphysic scowl,
With quill just plucked from wing of owl)
As rage or reason rise or sink,
To shed his blood, or shed his ink.
Behold inspired from Vermont dens
The seer of Antichrist descends,
To feed new mobs with hell-born manna
In Gentile lands of Susquehanna,
And teach the Pennsylvania quaker,
High blasphemies against his Maker.
Behold him move, ye stanch divines!
His tall head bustling through the pines;
All front he seems like wall of brass,
And brays tremendous as an ass;
One hand is clinch’d to batter noses,
While t’ other scrawls ’gainst Paul and Moses.