Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895. 1895.
Philip Bourke Marston 1850–87A Vain Wish
Only I would, if such a thing might be,
Thou shouldst not, love, forget me utterly;
Yea, when the sultry stars of summer shine
On dreaming woods, where nightingales repine,
I would that at such times should come to thee
Some thought not quite unmix’d with pain, of me,—
Some little sorrow for a soul’s decline.
Yea, too, I would that through thy brightest times,
Like the sweet burden of remember’d rhymes,
That gentle sadness should be with thee, dear;
And when the gates of sleep are on thee shut,
I Would not, even then, it should be mute,
But murmur, shell-like, at thy spirit ’s ear.