Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Basis bundle, anterior, 760. lateral, 762. cordis, 527. oss. sacri, 109. pedunculi, 802. prostatæ, 1252. pulmonis, 1094. Basivertebral veins, 668. Basket cells of cerebellum, 794. Bechterew, band of, 846. nucleus of, 788. pontospinal fasciculus of, 872. Bed of stomach, 1162. Bell, nerve of, 928, 933. Bellini, duct of, 1223. Bertin, ligament of, 335. Betz, giant cells of, 845. Biceps brachii muscle, 443. actions of, 444. nerves of, 444. variations of, 444. femoris muscle, 478. actions of, 480. nerves of, 480. variations of, 479. flexor cubiti muscle, 443. muscle, 443. Bicipital fascia, 444. groove, 209. ridges, 209. Bicuspid teeth, 1118. valve, 534. Bigelow, Y-shaped ligament of, 335. Bile capillaries, 1197. ducts, 1197, 1198. lymphatic capillaries in, 686. structure of, 1199. Bipolar cells of retina, 1016. Bird’s nest of cerebellum, 791. Biventer cervicis muscle, 400. Biventral lobes of cerebellum, 791. Bladder, 1227. gall, 1197. urinary, 1227. in child, 1229. development of, 1212. distended, 1228. empty, 1227. female, 1230. interior of, 1231. ligaments of, 1231. lymphatic vessels of, 712. structure of, 1232. trigone of, 1231. vessels and nerves of, 1233. Blandin, glands of, 1131. Blastodermic vesicle, 46. Blastopore, 47. Blood, composition of, 503. corpuscles, 503. development of, 505. origin of, 505. course of, in an adult, 497. in fetus, 540. islands, 506. liquor sanguinis, 503. plasma, 503. platelets, 505. Bochdalek, cornucopia of, 798. Body or Bodies, anococcygeal, 1184. aortic, 1278. carotid, 1281. ciliary, 1010. coccygeal, 1281. geniculate, 811. Malpighian, of kidney, 1221. of spleen, 1285. olivary, 769. of penis, 1249. perineal, 1184. pineal, 1277. pituitary, 814, 1275. polar, 40. Body or Bodies, restiform, 793. of stomach, 1163. thyroid, 1269. trapezoid, 787. of uterus, 1259. of a vertebra, 96. Body-stalk, 53, 57. Bone or Bones, 86. ankle, 266. arm, 209. articular lamella of, 279. astragalus, 266. atlas, 99. axis, 100. breast, 119. calcaneus, 263. calf, 260. canaliculi of, 91. cancellous tissue of, 86. capitate, 226. carpal, 221. cells, 91. chemical composition of, 91. classes of, viz., long, flat, mixed or irregular, short, 79. clavicle, 280. coccyx, 111. collar, 200. compact tissue of, 86. cranial, 129. cuboid, 269. cuneiform, of carpus, 224. of tarsus, 270. development of, 86. diploë of, 80. of ear, 1044. of elbow, 214. eminences and depressions of, 80. epistropheus, 100. ethmoid, 153. facial, 156. femur, 242. fibula, 260. flat, 79. of foot, 262. frontal, 135. hamate, 227. of hand, 221. Haversian canals of, 89. systems of, 89. hip, 231. humerus, 209. hyoid, 177. ilium, 231. incus, 1044. inferior nasal conchæ, 169. innominate, 231. interparietal, 132. ischium, 234. lacrimal, 163. lesser, 164. lacunæ of, 90. lamellæ of, 90. lingual, 177. long, 79. of lower extremity, 231. jaw, 172. lunate, 221. lymphatics of, 89. malar, 164. malleus, 1044. mandible, 172. marrow of, 87. maxillæ, 157. medullary artery of, 88. membrane of, 87. metacarpal, 227. metatarsal, 272. minute anatomy of, 89. multangular, greater, 225. lesser, 225. nasal, 156. navicular, of carpus, 221. of tarsus, 270. Bone or Bones, nerves of, 88. number of, in body, 79. nutrient artery of, 88. occipital, 129. os calcis, 263. coxæ, 231. magnum, 226. ossification of, 91. palate, 166. palatine, 166. parietal, 133. patella, 255. pelvic, 238. perforating fibers of, 90. periosteum of, 87. lymphatic capillaries in, 684. phalanges of foot, 275. of hand, 230. pisiform, 225. pubis, 236. radius, 219. ribs, 123. sacrum, 106. scaphoid, 221, 270. scapula, 202. semilunar, 224. sesamoid, 277. shin, 256. short, 79. sphenoid, 147. sphenoidal conchæ, 152. stapes, 1045. sternum, 119. strength of, compared with other materials, 87. structure and physical properties of, 86. surfaces of, 80. sutural, 156. talus, 266. tarsal, 263. temporal, 138. thigh, 242. tibia, 256. trapezium, 225. trapezoid, 225. triangular, 224. turbinated, 169. ulna, 214. unciform, 227. of upper extremity, 200. jaw, 157. vertebra prominens, 101. vertebræ, cervical, 97. coccygeal, 106. lumbar, 104. thoracic, 102. sacral, 106. vessels of, 88. vomer, 170. Wormian, 156. zygomatic, 164. Bowman, capsule of, 1222. glands of, 996. membrane of, 1008. muscle of, 1011. Brachia conjunctiva of cerebellum, 792. of corpora quadrigemina, 805. pontis, 793. Brachial artery, 589. branches of, 590. peculiarities of, 590. surface marking of, 1335. cutaneous nerve, lateral, 934. medial, 937. posterior, 943. fascia, 442. plexus, 930. veins, 663. Brachialis anticus muscle, 444. muscle, 444. actions of, 444. nerves of, 444. variations of, 444.