Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Carotid arch, 516. artery, common, 549. branches of (occasional), 551. peculiarities of, 551. surface markings of, 1302. external, 551. external, branches of, 552. surface markings of, 1302. internal, 566. branches of, 568. peculiarities of, 567. bodies, 1281. canal, 143, 181. ganglion, 977. glands, 1281. groove, 148, 191. nerve, internal, 977. nerves from glossopharyngeal, 909. plexus, 977. internal, 977. sheath, 389. triangles, 564. Carpal arteries from radial, 594. from ulnar, 598. bones, 221. net-work, 594. Carpometacarpal articulations, 330. Carpus, 221. articulations of, 328. ossification of, 230. surface form of, 1327. Cartilage or Cartilages, articular, 280. arytenoid, 1075. of auricula, 1034. cells, 279. corniculate, 1075. costal, 127, 281. cricoid, 1074. cuneiform, 1075. of epiglottis, 1075. epiphysial, 93. ethmovomerine, 171. histology of, 279. hyaline, 279. intrathyroid, 1074. lacunæ, 280. of larynx, 1073. structure of, 1076. lateral, 993. of nose, 992, 993. Meckel’s, 66, 174. parachordal, 84. permanent, 279. of pinna, 1034. of Santorini, 1075. of septum of nose, 993. sesamoid, 993. temporary, 280. thyroid, 1073. trabeculæ cranii, 84. of trachea, 1086. vomeronasal, 996. white fibro-, 279, 281. of Wrisberg, 1075. Cartilagines alares minores, 993. arytænoideæ, 1075. corniculatæ. 1075. costales, 127. cuneiformes, 1075. laryngis, 1073. nasi, 992. Cartilaginous ear capsules, 85. vertebral column, 82. Cartilago alaris major, 993. crus laterale, 993. mediale, 993. auriculæ, 1034. cricoidea, 1074. epiglottica, 1075. nasi lateralis, 993. septi nasi, 992. thyreoidea, 1073. triticea, 1077. Caruncula lacrimalis, 1028. Carunculæ hymenales, 1266. Cauda equina, 750. helicis, 1034. Cauda pancreatis, 1201. Caudal fold of embryo, 53. Caudate lobe of liver, 1192. nucleus, 833. process of liver, 1192. Caudatum, 833. Cavernous arteries, 568. nerves of penis, 989. plexus, 978. portion of urethra, 1235. sinuses, 658. nerves in, 900. spaces of penis, 1250. Cavity or Cavities, amniotic, 56. body or celom, 50. buccal, 1110. cotyloid, 237. glenoid, 207. of lesser pelvis, 239. mediastinal, 1090, 1092. of mouth proper, 1110. nasal, 194, 994. oral, 1110. peritoneal, 1150. of septum pellucidum, 840. sigmoid, of radius, 220. of ulna, 215. subarachnoid, 876. subdural, 875. of thorax, 524. tympanic, 1038. of uterus, 1260. Cavum conchæ, 1034. laryngis, 1078. Meckelii, 886. nasi, 194, 994. oris, 1110. proprium, 1110. septi pellucidi, 840. subarachnoideale, 876. tympani, paries carotica, 1042. labyrinthica, 1040. mastoidea, 1042. tympanum, 1037. paries jugularis, 1038. membranacea, 1038. tegmentalis, 1038. uteri, 1260. Cecal arteries, 607. fossæ, 1160. Cecum, 1177. lymphatic vessels of, 710. Celiac artery, 603. axis, 603. branches of vagus nerve, 913. ganglion, 985. plexus, 985. Cell or Cells, animal, 35. basket, of cerebellum, 796. of Betz, 845. of bone, 91. centro-acinar, of Langerhans, 1204. chromaffin, 1277. clasmatocytes, 377. of Claudius, 1058. definition of, 35. of Deiters, 1058. divisions of, 37. of Dogiel, 921. enamel, 1123. germinal, of medulla spinalis, 733. giant, 88. of Betz, 845. of Golgi, 845. of fundus glands, 1166. granule, 377. gustatory, 991. of Hensen, 1058. lamellar, 377. of Martinotti, 845. mass, inner, 46. intermediate, 50. Mastzellen, 377. Cell or Cells, membrane, 36. nerve, 721. nucleus of, 36. olfactory, 996. pigment, 377. plasma, 377. of Purkinje, 794. reproduction of, 37. of Sertoli, 1243. of spinal ganglia, 730, 919. splenic, 1284. structure of, 35. wandering, 377. Cella, 829. Cellulæ ethmoidales, 998. Cement of teeth, 1120. formation of, 1124. Centers of ossification, 93. visual, 814. Central artery of retina, 571. canal of medulla spinalis, 754. cells of fundus glands, 1166. fissure, 819. gray stratum of cerebral aqueduct, 806. ligament of medulla spinalis, 879. lobe, 825. nervous system, 721. part of lateral ventricle, 829. sulcus, 819. tendinouspoint of perineum, 427. tendon of diaphragm, 406. tract of cranial nerves, 805. of trigeminal nerves, 805. Centrifugal nerve fibers, 729. Centriole, 37. bodies of ovum, 40. of spermatozoön, 42, 43. Centripetal nerve fibers, 729. Centroacinar cells of Langerhans, 1204. Centrosome, 37. Centrosphere, 37. Centrum ovale majus, 828. minus, 827. Cephalic flexure of embryonic brain, 737. fold of embryo, 53. index, 198. portion of sympathetic system, 977. vein, 661. accessory, 662. Ceratohyal of hyoid bone, 178. Cerebellar arteries, 580. fasciculus, direct, 758. notches, 788. peduncles, 793. tract, direct, 761, 778. of Flechsig, 761. veins, 652. Cerebellum, 788. brachia conjunctiva, 792. pontis, 793. development of, 740. fibræ propriæ, 794. gray substance of, 794. lobes of, 788. nucleus dentatus, 796. peduncles of, 793. structure of, 791. surfaces of, 789, 790. vermis of, 788. white substance of, 791. Cerebral arteries, anterior, 571. middle, 572. posterior, 580. aqueduct, 806. cortex, nerve cells of, 845. fibers of, 846. structure of, 845. types of, 847. fissure, lateral, 819. hemispheres, 817. borders of, 818. development of, 744. fibers of, association, 843. commissural, 843. projection, 843. transverse, 843. fissures of, 819. gray substance of, 845. gyri of, 821. interior of, 827. lobes of, 821, 822. localization of, 849. nerves, 881. See Cranial nerves.; poles of, 818. structure of, 842. sulci of, 819, 820, 821. surfaces of, 818. white substance of, 842. peduncles, 800. structure of, 800. veins, 652. ventricles, 797, 815, 829. Cerebrospinal fasciculus, 759, 760. fibers of internal capsule, 836. fluid, 880. Ceruminous glands, 1037. Cervical artery, ascending, 581. deep, 585. superficial, 582. transverse, 582. branch of facial nerve, 905. cardiac nerves, 912. enlargement of medulla spinalis, 752. fascia, 388. flexure of embryonic brain, 131. ganglion, 978, 979, 980. lymph glands, 697. muscles, lateral, 388. nerve, cutaneous or transverse, 927. of facial, 905. nerves, 921. divisions of, anterior, 925. posterior, 921. pleura, 1088. plexus, 925. branches of, 926, 927. portion of sympathetic, 978. rib, 102, 128. veins, 651. vertebræ, 97. Cervicalis ascendens muscle, 399. Cervix uteri, 1259. portio supravaginalis, 1259. vaginalis, 1260. of uterus, 1259. Chambers of eye, 1012. Check ligaments, 296. of eye, 1024. Cheeks, 1112. Chest, 117. Chiasma, optic, 814, 883. opticum, 814, 883. Chiasmatic groove, 147, 190. Choanæ, 180, 196, 994. Chondrin, 282. Chondrocranium, 84. Chondro-epitrochlearis muscle, 437. Chondroglossus muscle, 1130. Chondromucoid, 282. Chondrosternal ligament, 302. intra-articular, 303. Chondroxiphoid ligaments, 304. Chorda obliqua, 325. tympani nerve, 904. Chordæ tendineæ [left ventricle], 535. [right ventricle], 532. Willisi, 655. Chordal furrow, 52. portion of base of skull, 84. Chorioidea, 1009. lamina choriocapillaris, 1010. vasculosa, 1010. Chorion, 60. frondosum, 62. læve, 61. Chorionic villi, 60. Choroid artery, 574. coat of eyeball, 1009. structure of, 1010. plexuses of fourth ventricle, 798. of lateral ventricle, 840. of third ventricle, 815. vein, 653. Choroidal artery, anterior, 574. posterior, 581. fissure, 841, 1002. Chromaffin cells, 1277. Chromaphil and cortical systems, 1277. development of, 1277. Chromatin, 36. Chromatolysis, 724. Chromosomes, 37. Chyle, 683. Chyliferous vessels, 683. Cilia, 1025. Ciliaris muscle, 1010. Ciliary arteries, 571. body, 1010. ganglion, 888. glands, 1025. muscle, 1011. nerves, 888. processes, 1010. Cingulate gyrus, 825. sulcus, 820. Cingulum of cerebral hemisphere, 843. of teeth, 1116. Circle, arterial, of Willis, 574. Circular folds of small intestine, 1173. sinus, 659. sulcus, 821, 825. Circulating fluids, 503. Circulation of blood in adult, 497. in fetus, 540. Circulus arteriosus major, 1014. minor, 1014. major [iris], 571, 1014. minor [iris], 571, 1014. venosus [mamma], 1268. Circumduction, 286. Circumferential fibrocartilage, 282. Circumflex arteries, femoral, 630. humeral, 589. nerve, 934. Circuminsular fissure, 821. Circumvallate papillæ, 1126. Cisterna basalis, 876. chyli, 691. cerebellomedullaris, 876. chiasmatis, 877. fossæ cerebri lateralis, 877. interpeduncularis, 876. magna, 876. pontis, 876. venæ magnæ cerebri, 877. Cisternæ subarachnoid, 876. subarachnoidales, 876. Clarke’s column, 758. Clasmatocytes, 377. Claudius, cells of, 1058. Claustrum, 835. Clava, 774. Clavicle, 200. ossification of, 202. peculiarities of, in sexes, 202. structure of, 202. surface anatomy of, 1326. Clavicula, 200. Clavipectoral fascia, 437. Cleft palate, 199. Cleidohyoideus muscle, 393. Clinging fibers of cerebellum, 796. Clinoid processes, anterior, 151, 190. middle, 147, 190. posterior, 147, 190. Clitoris, 1266. frenulum of, 1266. glans of, 1266. nerves of, 968. prepuce of, 1266. Clivus of sphenoid, 148. monticuli of cerebellum, 790. Cloaca, ectodermal, 1109. entodermal, 1109. pelvic portion of, 1212. phallic portion of, 1213. vesicourethral portion of, 1212. Cloacal duct, 1109. membrane, 1109. tubercle, 1213. Cloquet, lymph gland of, 703. Closing membranes, 65. Coarctation of aorta, 547. Coccygeal arteries, 620. body, 1281. cornua, 111. gland, 1281. nerve, division of, anterior, 957. posterior, 925. plexus, 968. Coccygeus muscle, 424. actions of, 424. nerves of, 424. Coccyx, 111. ossification of, 114. Cochlea, 1050. aqueduct of, 144, 181. cupula of, 1050, 1051. hamulus laminæ spiralis, 1051. helicotrema of, 1051. modiolus of, 1050. scalæ of, 1051. spiral canal of, 1051. lamina of, 1051. vessels of, 1059. Cochlear artery, 1059. nerve, 906, 1059. composition and central connections of, 857. nuclei, 788, 906. root of acoustic nerve, 906. Cochleariform process, 145, 1042. Cog-tooth of malleus, 1044. Cohnheim, areas of, 374. Colic arteries of ileocolic, 609. left, 610. middle, 609. right, 609. flexures, right and left, 1180. impression, 1189. valve, 1179. Collar bone, 200. Collateral circulation, 543. eminence, 833. fissure, 820. ganglia, 977. Collecting tubes of kidney, 1223. Colles, fascia of, 235, 409, 426. Colliculi, inferior, 805, 806. superior, 805, 806. Colliculus of arytenoid cartilage, 1075. facialis, 799. inferior, 806. nervi optici, 1015. superior, 806. Collum anatomicum, 209. femoris, 243. mallei, 1044. tali, 269. Coloboma, 1002.