William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. (1878–1962). Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920.
Articles and Reviews of Poets and Poetry Published During 1919–1920
Aiken, Conrad.Two Views of Contemporary Poetry. The Yale Review, January.
Body and Raiment (Review of Mrs. Tietjens’ book). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
Idiosyncrasy and Tradition (Poems of Francis Ledwidge). The Dial, March.
Two Views of Contemporary Poetry. The Yale Review, January.
Adams, Franklin P.Next to Reading Matter. The New Republic, Mar. 24.
Aldington, Richard.A London Letter (on Poets and Poetry). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, January.
A Book for Literary Philosophers. (Ezra Pound). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
Campion’s “Observations.” Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
English and American. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
Recent French Poetry. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, October, 1919.
Alexander, Hartley Burr.The Poetry of the American Indian. The Nation, Dec. 13, 1919.
Ambram, Beulah B.Heine and the Germans. The North American Review, January.
Anderson, John Davis.The Boston Transcript, June 2.
Anon.Masefield’s Yarn of the Sea (“Enslaved,”). The New York Times Review of Books, July 11.
Hilda Conkling. The Christian Science Monitor, June 30.
The Poets and the Peace. The Nation, Oct. 4, 1919.
A Unique Collection of Chinese Verse. The N. Y. Times Book Review, Aug. 24, 1919.
Young America and Milton. Scribner’s Magazine, June.
Five Recent Volumes of Verse (Ballads of Old New York, Golden Whales of California, Songs of the Cattle Trail and Cow Camp, Songs of Seeking and Finding, Hail, Man). The Outlook, Apr. 21.
A Belated Review (Don Marquis). The Outlook, Feb. 18.
Christopher Morley. The Outlook, Feb. 4.
A Poet’s Birthday (Edwin Arlington Robinson). The Outlook, Dec. 24, 1919.
A Triangle of Poets, (Masefield, Amy Lowell, John Drinkwater). The Outlook, Dec. 3, 1919.
The New Era in American Poetry. The Outlook, Aug. 27, 1919.
Kipling’s Latest Word. The Outlook, Sept. 24, 1919.
Beers, Henry A.The Singer of the Old Swimmin’ Hole (James Whitcomb Riley). The Yale Review, January.
Benét, William Rose.Importry and Exportry. Harper’s Magazine, January.
Blackwell, Alice Stone.A Spanish-American Poet. The Stratford Journal, August, 1919.
Black, John.Walt Whitman: Fiction-Writer and Poets’ Friend. The Bookman, April.
1920: The Minor Poet’s Centenary Year. The Bookman, May.
Blum, W. G.Rimbaud as Magician. The Dial, June.
Bunker, John.A New English Poet. The Bookman, January.
Burr, Amelia Josephine.The Expanded Interest in Poetry. September, 1919.
Butler, Ellis Parker.A New Poet of Nature. The Bookman, April.
Bodenheim, Maxwell.Modern Poetry. The Dial, January.
The Poetry Quibble. The North American Review, November, 1919.
Bradford, Gamaliel.Portrait of Sidney Lanier. The North American Review, June.
Braithwaite, William Stanley.The Lyric Quality of Robert Hillyer. June 5.
A Poetical Voice from the Wilderness. The Boston Transcript, Mar. 6.
A Year-Round Treasury of Child Verse (Annette’s Wynne’s “For Days and Days”). The Boston Transcript, Oct. 18, 1919.
The Personality of Cecil Roberts. The Boston Transcript, Jan. 24.
A Lyrical Voice from Missouri (George O’Neil). The Boston Transcript, Feb. 21.
The Arthurian Legend in Poetry (E. A. Robinson’s “Lancelot”). The Boston Transcript, June 12.
A Poet with the Harvard Hall Mark (Ernest Benshimol). The Boston Transcript, June 19.
The Poetic Advance of Francis Carlin. The Boston Transcript, May 22.
The Romantic Lore of the Red Man (Lew Sarett’s “Many, Many Moons”). The Boston Transcript, May 8.
The Golden Whales of California (Vachel Lindsay). The Boston Transcript, Apr. 17.
The Art of a Young American Poet (Winifred Welles). The Boston Transcript, Apr. 3.
Siegfried Sassoon’s Grim Irony. The Boston Transcript, Apr. 24.
A Spiritual Biography (Jacopone da Todi. Poet and Mystic—1228–1306). The Boston Transcript, March 13.
A Bay for E. A. Robinson. The Brooklyn Eagle, Mar. 27.
Carnevali, Emanuel.Irritation (A Pounding of Pound). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, January.
Chew, Samuel C.A Poet Turns Critic (Sir Henry Newbolt’s “A New Study of English Poetry”). The Yale Review, July.
Cloyd, Eunice.Caliban’s Love-Making (review of Aiken’s “Scepticism”). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
Cline, Leonard Lanson.Three Anthologies of Modern Verse. The Detroit Sunday News, Apr. 18.
Courtney, Mrs. W. S.Lesser Literary Lights (Felicia Hemans, Caroline Bowles and Charlotte Smith). The North American Review, June.
Carret, M.Baudelaire Translated. The New Republic, June 9.
Colum, Padraic.Amy Lowell and the Poetry of Pictures. The New Republic, July 7.
New English Poets. The New Republic, July 21.
Three Younger Poets (Francis Ledwidge, George O’Neil, Scudder Middleton). The New Republic, Apr. 7.
D., C. V.Tragedy in Camelot (E. A. Robinson’s “Lancelot”). The Nation, May 8.
De Casseres, Benjamin.The Poems of Herbert French. The Bookman, March; Van Nopper, Homer of Our Fleet, The Bookman, September, 1919.
Deutsch, Babette.Eastern Lights (“Colored Stars, Versions of Fifty Asiatic Poems,” “Black Marigolds,” by E. Powys Mathers). The Dial, March.
Free Verse and Certain Strictures. The Bookman, January.
A New Light on Lancelot (E. A. Robinson), Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
Delgado, Frederick Pearce.Louis Bertrand, A Study in Artistic Personality. The North American Review, June.
Drinkwater, John.The Full Circle of Masefield’s Art. The Yale Review, April.
Dunn, Esther Cloudman.Longfellow the Teacher. The North American Review, February.
“E. A.”—A Milestone for America (Percy MacKaye). The North American Review, January.
Ervine, St. John.W. B. Yeats—II (Some Impressions of My Elders). The North American Review, March.
Yeats (Some Impressions of My Elders). The North American Review, January.
John Drinkwater. The North American Review, November, 1919.
Elliott, G. R.The Neighborliness of Robert Frost. The Nation, Dec. 6, 1919.
Fletcher, John Gould.Thomas Hardy’s Poetry, An American View. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, April.
The Structure of Chinese Poetry (Arthur Waley’s translations from the Chinese). The Dial, February.
Fuller, Henry B.The American Image. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, March.
Freer, Agnes.Cammærts Again. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, September, 1919.
Garrison, Theodosia.Ella Wheeler Wilcox, The Woman. The Bookman, January.
Gammans, Harold W.Rhythmus and the Writer. The Writer’ s Monthly, January.
Gorman, Herbert S.The Various Bynner. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Georgians These, Not Cavaliers (Graves, Lawrence, Some Soldier Poets). The New York Times Book Review, July 4.
A Few Remarks About Newspaper Verse. The Writer’s Monthly, November, 1919.
Edwin Arlington Robinson, and a Talk With Him. N. Y. Sun Books and Book World, Jan. 4.
Goldring, Douglas.James Elroy Flecker (An Appreciation and Some Personal Memories). The Dial, May.
Gibbs, A. Hamilton.Poets of the New Patriotism. The New Republic, Mar. 17.
Greene, Constance Murray.Poetry Books Manifold. The Bookman, February.
Hackett, Francis.Reynard the Fox (John Masefield). The New Republic, Jan. 7.
Hartley, Marsden.The Business of Poetry. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, December, 1919.
Harper, George McLean.French Feeling in War Poetry. The Yale Review, January.
Henderson, Alice Corbin.A Note on Primitive Poetry. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, September, 1919.
Science and Art Again. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, January.
An Irish Harp (Norreys Jephson O’Conor). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, September, 1919.
Hubbell, J. B.Wordsworth, Imagist. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Hughes, Helen Sard.Making Heaven Safe for Democracy. (An interesting essay on political and patriotic hymnology.) The Dial, January.
Jenckes, Jr., E. N.Limitations of Free Verse. The Writer’s Monthly, February.
K., A.Comedy Over Tragedy (Marjorie A. Seiffert). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
Kelly, Mus. D., F. J.Shakespeare and the Art of Music. The Catholic World, January.
Kreymborg, Alfred.Touring America on Pegasus. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
Lawrence, D. H.The Poetry of the Present. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Lappin, Henry A.Poetry, Verse, and Worse. The Bookman, April.
A New American Poet. The Bookman, November-December, 1919.
Lewisohn, Ludwig.Richard Dehmel. The Nation, Mar. 6.
Lowell, Amy.Mr. Lindsay’s Latest Venture. The New York Times Book Review, May 16.
Loving, Pierre.The Tragedy of Horace Traubel. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Long, Haniel.Mr. Bynner’s Philosophy of Love. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
L., R.Charles Sorley (Letters). The New Republic, July 21.
MacBeath, Francis J.With Poets New and Old. The Writer’s Monthly, September-October, 1919.
McCourtie, William B.If I Were a Young Poet. The Writer’s Monthly, December, 1919.
Marks, Jeannette.Swinburne: A Study in Pathology. The Yale Review, January.
Maynard, Theodore.The Poetry of Charles Williams. The North American Review, September, 1919.
The Chesterbelloc. The Catholic World, November-December, 1919, January-February.
Monahan, Michael.Edwin Markham’s Poetry, The Stratford Journal, September, 1919.
Monroe, Harriet.Two Child Poets (Hilda Conkling, and Katherine Bull). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
Dr. Chubb on the Platform (Comments on Dr. Paul Shorey lecture on poets and poetry). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
What Next? (Reflections on “Poetry” Seventh Birthday). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, October, 1919.
Waley’s Translations from the Chinese. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, March.
Those We Refuse (an editor’s confession concerning verse-rejections). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, March.
Mr. Yeats and the Poetic Drama. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, April.
Mr. Robinson’s Jubilee (on the occasion of Edwin Arlington Robinson’s fiftieth birthday). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
Miss Cromwell’s Poems. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
King George’s Poets. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
In the Old Fashion (Walter de la Mare). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, September, 1919.
Celestial Jazz (Mr. Lindsay’s “Golden Whales of California”). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
A Scientist’s Challenge. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, December, 1919.
A Lincoln Primer (Drinkwater’s “Lincoln”). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, December, 1919.
A Lover of Earth (Mr. Wheelock’s “Dust and Light”). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, March.
Morley, Christopher.Walter de la Mare on Rupert Brooke. The Bookman, April.
Munsterberg, Margarete.Santayana. The Nation, July 5, 1919.
Francis Thompson, A Poet’s Poet. The Catholic World, September, 1919.
Netzer, A. May.The Poetry of Ernest Dowson. The Texas Review, April.
Neff, Marietta.The Place of Henley. The North American Review, April.
Nicholl, Louise Townsend.Three Months of Poetry. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Oppenheim, James.One of Our Sun-Gods (Walt Whitman). The Dial, May.
Poetry—Our First National Art. The Dial, February.
O’Hagan, Thomas.French-Canadian Poets and Poetry. The Catholic World, December, 1919.
Passos, John Dos.Antonio Machado: Poet of Castile. The Dial, June.
Peck, H. W.The Criticism of Poetry. The Mid-West Quarterly, January.
Powys, John Cowper.The Actual Walt Whitman. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number). June 19.
Purdie, Albert B.Macbeth—A Study in Sin. The Catholic World, November, 1919.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson.Pilgrim and Puritan in Literature. Scribner’s Magazine, May.
Reilly, Ph. D. Joseph J.A Keltic Poe (Fitz-James O’Brien). The Catholic World, March.
Ridge, Lola.Covered Roads. (Study of Robert Frost). The New Republic, June 23.
Rueffner, Louise M.The Poet and the City. A Characteristic Tendency of the Modern Muse. The New York Evening Post Book Review (Poetry Number), June 19.
Roosevelt, Kermit.Edwin Arlington Robinson. Scribner’s Magazine, December, 1919.
R., O.Gladys Cromwell’s Poems. The New Republic, Mar. 10.
Roth, Samuel.Edwin Arlington Robinson. The Bookman, January.
Royster, James Finch.Mr. Alfred Noyes and the Literary Rebels. The Texas Review, October, 1919.
S., M. A.The Floating World (review of Miss Lowell’s latest book). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, March.
Rare Air (G. P. Warren). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, January.
Sapir, Edward.Note on French-Canadian Folk-Songs. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, July.
Schauffler, Margaret Widdemer.In the Treatment of Poets. The Bookman, November-December, 1919.
Scott, Evelyn.Emilio de Menezes (Brazilian Poet). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, April.
Seiffert, Marjorie Allen.Starved Rock (E. L. Masters). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, June.
Soldier and Lover (Richard Aldington). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, September, 1919.
Shanks, Edward.An English Lyrist (J. C. Squire). The Dial, January.
Shay, Frank.Whitman’s Publishers. The New York Evening Post Book Review, (Poetry Number), June 19.
Sinclair, May.The Reputation of Ezra Pound. The North American Review, May.
Smith, Geddes.Reynard the Fox. The New Republic, Jan. 7.
Strobel, Marion.Out of the Den (Siegfried Sassoon). Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, June.
Perilous Leaping. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, June.
Stanton, Theodore.French War Poetry. The Mid-West Quarterly, January.
Stork, Charles Wharton.Review of Magazine Verse of Year. Philadelphia Public Ledger, Dec. 28, 1919.
Recent Verse, The Yale Review, April.
Symons, Arthur.Baudelaire and His Letters. The North American Review, September, 1919.
A Jester with Genius (Oscar Wilde). The Bookman, April.
Coventry Patmore. The North American Review, February.
Thomas Hardy. The Dial, January.
Taketomo, Torao.American Imitations of Japanese Poetry. The Nation, Jan. 17.
Tinker, Chauncey B.British Poetry Under Stress of War. The Yale Review, July.
Swinburne Once More. The Yale Review, January.
Trombly, Albert Edmund.Rossetti Studies: The Lyric. The South Atlantic Quarterly, October, 1919.
Trueblood, Charles K.Skepticism as Illumination, (Aiken’s “Scepticisms: Notes on Contemporary Poetry”). The Dial, April.
Untermeyer, Louis.The Hesitant Heart (by Winifred Welles). The New Republic, June 30.
A Note on the Poetry of Love. The New Republic, May 26.
Woodrovian Poetry, 1922–1923. The New Republic, Dec. 24, 1919.
“Sweetness and Light.” The Dial, April.
The Lyric Line (John Hall Wheelock’s “Dust and Light”). The Bookman, March.
Aftermath (Picture Show, by S. Sassoon). The New Republic, Mar. 3.
Van Dyke, Henry.Poems of Robert Underwood Johnson. The Boston Transcript, Feb. 14.
Vanderpyl, Fritz R.Art and Eiffel Towers. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, May.
Wyatt, Edith.Whitman and Anne Gilchrist. The North American Review, September, 1919.
Kipling Today. Poetry, A Magazine of Verse, February.
Whicher, George F.Edward Thomas. The Yale Review, April.
Wilkinson, Marguerite.Poetry of Last Year and Today, Mar. 28.