William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. (1878–1962). Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1920.
Volumes of Poems Published During 1919–1920
Allen, William Frederick.Monographs. The Four Seas Co.
Andrews, John.Editor: The Yale Book of Student Verse. With an Introduction by Charlton M. Lewis. Yale University Press.
Babcock, William H.Legends of the New World. Richard G. Badger.
Bailey, John.A Day-Book of Walter Savage Landor. Oxford University Press.
Barker, Helen Granville.Songs in Cities and Gardens. G. P. Putman’s Sons.
Barney, Danforth.Chords from Albireo. With a Foreword by Lawrence Mason. John Lane Co.
Barr, Amelia E.Songs in the Common Chord. With an Introduction by Joseph C. Lincoln. D. Appleton and Co.
Barrett, Wilton Agnew.Songs from the Journey. George H. Doran Co.
Benét, Stephen Vincent.Editor: The Yale Book of Student Verse. With an Introduction by Charlton M. Lewis. Yale University Press.
Bennet, Raine.After the Day. A Collection of Post-War Impressions. With an Introduction by George Douglas. The Stratford Co.
Bennett, Marguerite Hope.Prelude. The Neale Publishing Co.
Benshimol, Ernest.Tomorrow’s Yesterday. Small, Maynard and Co.
Boni, Albert.The Modern Book of French Verse. In English Translations by Chaucer, Francis, Thompson, Swinburne, Arthur Symons, Robert Bridges, John Payne, and others. Boni and Liveright.
Bowman, Archibald Allen.Sonnets from a Prison Camp. John Lane Co.
Brady, E. J.The House of the Winds. Dodd, Mead and Co.
Braithwaite, William Stanley.The Book of Modern British Verse. Small, Maynard and Co.
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1919 and Year Book of American Poetry. Small, Maynard and Co.
Buck, Howard.The Tempering (in Yale Series of Younger Poets). Yale University Press.
Burt, Maxwell Struthers.Songs and Portraits. Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Cabot, Elise Pumpelly.Arizona, and Other Poems. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Carlin, Francis.The Cairn of Stars. Henry Holt and Co.
Carter, Laura Armistead.Wind and Blue Water. The Cornhill Co.
Chanler, Alida.Songs and Sonnets. The Cornhill Co.
Claudel, Paul.Three Poems of the War. Translated into English Verse by Edward J. O’Brien. Yale University Press.
Clinton, Scollard.War Voices and Memories. Being Verses Written During the Years 1817–18–19. James T. White Co.
Coles, Rutgers Remsen.Rapid and Still Water. The Stratford Co.
Cone, Helen Gray.The Coat Without a Seam. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Conkling, Grace Hazard.Wilderness Songs. Henry Holt and Co.
Conkling, Hilda.Poems by a Little Girl. Preface by Amy Lowell. Frederick A. Stokes Co.
Coutts, Francis.The Spacious Times, and Other Poems. John Lane Co.
Cromwell, Gladys.Poems. With an Introduction by Padraic Colum. The Macmillan Co.
Crowell, Joshua Freeman.Outdoors and In. The Four Seas Co.
Cushman, Silvia.Facts and Fancies. Published by the Author.
Davidson, Gustav.Songs of Adoration. New York: The Madrigal.
Davies, Mary Carolyn.Youth Riding. The Macmillan Co.
de Acosta, Mercedes.Moods. Prose Poems. Moffat, Yard and Co.
de la Mare, Walter.A Book of Drawings by Pamelia Blanco, with Illustrative Poems by Walter de la Mare. J.B. Lippincott Co.
DeStein, E.The Poets in Picardy. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Dougall, Lily.Acades Ambo. Longmans, Green and Co.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan.The Guards Came Through, and Other Poems. George H. Doran Co.
Edwards, Arthur M.The Conversation of Kaiser William, or Antitoxin to Prussian Propaganda. Published by the Author.
Eddy, Ruth Basset.Altar Fires. The Cornhill Co.
Eliot, T. S.Poems. Alfred A. Knopf.
Enlow, Lucile C.The Heart of a Girl. The Stratford Co.
Farrar, John Chipman.Forgotten Shrines. (Yale Series of Younger Poets.) Yale University Press.
Farrar, John C.Editor. The Yale Book of Student Verse. With an Introduction by Charlton M. Lewis. Yale University Press.
Fleur-De-Lys.A Book of French Poetry Freely Translated into English Verse, with an Introduction and Notes by Wilfrid Thorley. Houghton Mifflin Co.
Georgian Poetry 1918–1919. G. P. Putman’s Sons.
Guiterman, Arthur.Ballads of Old New York. Harper and Brothers.
Hamilton, Mary Gertrude.Lights and Shadows. The Stratford Co.
Harbert, Blanche E.The Good Cheer Book (Anthology). Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co.
Hawkins, Walter Everette.Chords and Discords. Richard G. Badger.
Herbert, A. P.The Bomber Gipsy, and Other Poems. Alfred A. Knopf.
Hillyer, Robert.The Five Books of Youth. Brentano’s.
Holloway, John Wesley.From the Desert. The Neale Publishing Co.
Hooker, Brian.A. D. 1919. A Commemorative Poem. Set to Music by Horatio Parker. Yale University Press.
Hough, Lynn Harold.Flying Over London. The Abington Press.
Hughes, Adelaide Manola.Diantha Goes the Primrose Way. Harper and Brothers.
Hughs, Fannie May Barbee.Fragments. Essays and Poems. Boston: Christopher Publishing House.
Johns, Orrick.Black Branches. A Book of Poems and Plays. New York Pagan Publishing Co.
Johnson, Robert Underwood.Poems, 1881–1919. Yale University Press.
Jones, Herbert.The Well of Being. John Lane Co.
Jones, Joshua Henry.The Heart of the World. The Stratford Co.
Jordan, Clarence Lumpkin.Trench Tales. The Neale Publishing Co.
Keith, Henrietta Jewett.Four O’Clocks. Minneapolis, Minn. Augsburg Publishing House.
Keeler, Charles.Sequoia Sonnets. Published at the Sign of the Live Oak, Berkeley, Cal.
Kerr, R. Watson.War Daubs: Poems. John Lane Co.
Kip, A. L.Poems. G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Kipling, Rudyard.Verse, Inclusive Edition 1885–1918. Doubleday, Page and Co.
Koopman, Harry Lyman.Hesperia. An American National Poem, I–VI. The Preston and Rounds Co., Providence, R. I.
Krauth, Charles Philip.Ahno. The Cornhill Co.
Kyger, John Fremont.No-Wa-Na. An Indian Tale Told in Verse. Chicago: Front Publishing Co.
Lanouette, Joseph Edward.Jean Rivard. The Cornhill Co.
Ledwidge, Francis.Complete Poems. With Introductions by Lord Dunsany. Brentano’s.
Lincoln, Elliot C.Rhymes of a Homesteader. Houghton Mifflin Co.
Lindsay, Vachel.The Golden Whales of California and Other Rhymes in the American Language. The Macmillan Co.
Lomax, John A.Songs of the Cattle Trail and Cow Camp (Collection). With a Foreword by William Lyon Phelps. The Macmillan Co.
Low, Mary Cromwell.The Lode Star. James T. White Co.
McCloskey, George. V. A.Lyrics. The Neale Publishing Co.
McManus, Joseph D.The Might of Manhattan. New York: Charles Francis Press.
MacKaye, Percy.Rip Van Winkle. Folk-Opera in Three Acts. Music by Reginald de Koven. Alfred A. Knopf.
Mann, Dorothea Lawrance.An Acreage of Lyric. The Cornhill Co.
Marsh, Elizabeth H.Body and Soul. The Cornhill Co.
Masefield, John.The Everlasting Mercy and the Widow in the Bye Street (Illustrated Edition). The Macmillan Co.
Miles, Susan.Dunch. Longmans, Green and Co.
Millen, William A.Songs of the Irish Revolution, and Songs of the Newer Ireland. The Stratford Co.
Misrow, Sri Jogesh Chander.Usha Songita Songs of the Dawn. With an Introduction. Chicago: Published by the Author.
Morgan, Angela.Hail, Man! John Lane Co.
Nelson, Dora.A Farm in Picardy. The Cornhill Co.
O’Neil, George.The Cobbler in Willow Street. Boni and Liveright.
Palamas, Kostes.Life Immovable. First Part. Translated with Introduction and Notes, by Aristides E. Phoutrides. Harvard University Press.
Poems of Tennyson. Chosen and Edited by Henry van Dyke. Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Poems of John R. Thompson. Edited with a Biographical Introduction by John S. Patton. Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Pratt, Harry Noyes.Hill Trails and Open Sky. A Book of California Verse. San Francisco: Harr Wagner Publishing Co.
Proudfoot, Andrea Hofer.Trolley Lines. Ralph Fletcher Seymour.
Pushkin, Alexander Sergyeyevich.Boris Godunov. A Drama in Verse. Rendered into English Verse by Alfred Hayes, with Preface by C. Nabokoff. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Roberts, Cecil.Poems. With a Preface by John Masefield. Frederick A. Stokes Co.
Robinson, Edwin Arlington.Lancelot. Thomas Seltzer.
Roth, Samuel.Europe: A Book for America. Boni and Liveright.
Ryan, Agnes.A Whisper of Fire. The Four Seas Co.
Sampter, Jessie E.The Coming of Peace. New York: Publishers Printing Co.
Sanger, Jr., William Cary.Verse. G. P. Putman’s Sons.
Sangster, Margaret E.Cross Roads. New York: Frank F. Lovell.
Sarett, Lew.Many Many Moons. Henry Holt and Co.
Sassoon, Siegfried.Picture-Show. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Seiffert, Marjorie Allen.A Woman of Thirty, and Poems by Elijah Hay. Alfred A. Knopf.
Seymour, W. Kean. Editor.A Miscellany of British Poetry, 1919. Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Shanks, Edward.The Queen of China, and other Poems. Alfred A. Knopf.
Sharpe, Theodore.My Place in the Shade, and Various Verse. Richard G. Badger.
Sheldon, Gilbert.Acades Ambo. Longmans, Green and Co.
Sieveking, Captain L. de G.Dressing Gowns and Glue. With an Introduction about the Verses by G. K. Chesterton. Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Steel, Willis.Parerga. New York: McElvoy Co.
Steiner, Rudolph.Four Mystery Plays. 2 vols. G. P. Putman’s Sons.
Still, John.Poems in Captivity. John Lane Co.
Tebbutt, A. E.Russian Lyrical Poetry. An Anthology of the Best Nineteenth Century Lyrics. Selected, and Arranged with Notes. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Temple, Ana.The Kneeling Camel, and Other Poems. Moffat, Yard and Co.
The Poems of Gilbert White. With an Introduction by Sir Herbert Warren. The Macmillan Co.
Tucker, Allen.There and Here. Duffield and Co.
Turner, W. J.The Dark Wind. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Underwood, Edna Worthley.Moons of Nippon. Translations from Poets of Old Japan. Ralph Fletcher Seymour.
Underwood, Pierson.Editor. The Yale Book of Student Verse. With an Introduction by Charlton M. Lewis. Yale University Press.
Untermeyer, Louis.Modern American Poetry (Anthology). Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Valour and Vision. Poems of the War 1914–1918. Arranged and Edited by Jacqueline T. Trotter. Longmans, Green and Co.
Van Dyke, Tertius.Songs of Seeking and Finding. Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Vansittart, Robert.The Singing Caravan. A Sufi Tale. George H. Doran Co.
Vernon, Lucile.Mephistopheles Puffeth the Sun Out. The Stratford Co.
Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo.The Death of Titian. Translated from the German by John Head, Jr. The Four Seas Co.
Waley, Arthur.More Translations from the Chinese. Alfred A. Knopf.
Walsh, Thomas.Don Folquet and Other Poems. John Lane Co.
Welles, Winifred.The Hesitant Heart. B. W. Huebsch.
Wentworth, Edward C.Scattered Leaves. From My Diary, 1915–1919. Chicago: Published by the Author.
Whitcomb, George Faunce.Eagle Quills. The Cornhill Co
Whitin, Cora Berry.Wounded Words. The Four Seas Co.
Widdemer, Margaret.The Haunted Hour. An Anthology. Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Wood, Clement.Jehovah. E. P. Dutton and Co.
Woodberry, George Edward.The Roamer, and Other Poems. Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Yanks A. E. F. in Verse. Originally Published in The Stars and Stripes. G. P. Putman’s Sons.