James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
Das Vaterland der Gedanken ist das Herz; an dieser Quelle muss schöpfen, wer frisch trinken will—The native soil of our thoughts is the heart; whoso will have his fresh must draw from this spring.
Der Glaube ist der rechte, der, dass er der rechte bleibt, nicht gezwungen ist einen andern irrgläubig zu finden—That faith is the orthodox which, that it may remain such, is under no necessity of finding another heterodox.
Die Bewunderung preist, die Liebe ist stumm—Admiration praises, love is dumb.
Einen Wahn verlieren macht weiser als eine Wahrheit finden—Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of a truth.
Es giebt eine Schwelgerei des Geistes wie es eine Schwelgerei der Sinne giebt—There is a debauchery of spirit, as there is of senses.
Man can dispense with much but not with men.
On the stage man should stand a step higher than in life.
Parting with a delusion makes one wiser than falling in with a truth.
People abuse freedom only where they have asserted it, not where it has been given them.
The errors of a great mind are more edifying than the truths of a little.
Time gives prudence; the lord of time, inspiration; the one is a reward, the other a gift.