James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave.
He who thinks for himself, and imitates rarely, is a free man.
O Tugend, Tugend, wie schön bist du! / Welch’ göttlich Meisterstück sind Seelen, / Die sich hinauf bis zu dir erheben—O virtue, virtue, how fair art thou! what a divine masterpiece are the souls that raise themselves up to thee!
Saat, dich säet der Herr dem grossen. Tage der Ernte—Seed, the Lord sows thee for the great day of harvest.
Saat, von Gott gesäet, dem Tage der Garben zu reifen—Seed sown by God, to ripen against the day of the sheaf-binding.