Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaCVII. Stella! since thou so right a Princess art
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)S
Of all the powers which life bestows on me;
That ere by them ought undertaken be,
They first resort unto that sovereign part.
Sweet! for a while give respite to my heart,
Which pants as though it still should leap to thee;
And on my thoughts give thy Lieutenancy
To this great cause, which needs both use and art.
And as a Queen, who from her presence sends
Whom she employs, dismiss from thee my wit!
Till it have wrought what thy own will attends.
On servants’ shame oft master’s blame doth sit.
O let not fools in me thy works reprove;
And scorning, say, “See! what it is to love!”