Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and Parthenophe[Dedicatory Sonnets.] To the beautiful Lady, the Lady Bridget Manners
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)R
Of all those sweet and fair flowers!
Pride of chaste C
Receive this Verse, thy matchless beauty meetest!
Behold thy graces which thou greetest,
And all the secret powers
Of thine, and such like beauties, here set down!
Here shalt thou find thy frown!
Here, thy sunny smiling!
Fame’s plumes fly with thy Love’s, which should be fleetest!
Here, my loves’ tempests and showers!
These, read, sweet Beauty! whom my Muse shall crown!
Who for thee! such a Garland is compiling,
Of so divine scents and colours,
As is immortal, Time beguiling!
Your Beauty’s most affectionate servant,