Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheElegy I. Why did the milk, which first Alcides nourished
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)W
Ingend’ring with C
Th’ Assyrian hunter’s blood, why hath it flourished
The rose with red? Why did the daffadilly
Spring from N
Why did great J
Devise the marble coloured violet?
Or what for P
Did hyacinth to rosy blushes move?
Since my sweet Mistress, under P
Adown her neck, N
Th’Œbalian boy’s complexion still alights
Upon her hyacinthine lips, like ruby.
And with love’s purest sanguine, C
The praise of beauty, through her veins which blue be
Conducted through love’s sluice, to thy face rosy,
Where doves and redbreasts sit for V
In sign that I to Thee, will ever true be;
The rose and lilies shall adorn my posy!
The violets and hyacinths shall knit
With daffodil, which shall embellish it!
Such heavenly flowers, in earthly posies few be!