Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheElegy XII. O never can I see that sunny light!
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)O
That bright contriver of my fiery rage!
Those precious Golden Apples shining bright:
But, out alas! methinks, some fearful sight
Should battle, with the dear beholders wage.
I fear such precious things should have some force
Them to preserve, lest some beholders might
Procure those precious apples by their slight.
Then cruel A
Enters my thoughts, and how he feared away
The poor inhabitants which dwelt about;
Lest some, of his rich fruit should make a prey:
Although the Orchard, circummured throughout
With walls of steel was; and a vigil stout
Of watchful dragons guarded everywhere,
Which bold attempters vexed with hot pursuit,
So that none durst approach his fruit for fear.
Thus, A
Tyrannous Hatred, and a Proud Disdain,
Which in that Orchard cruelly did reign,
And with much rigour rule thy lovely eyes!
Immured in steelly walls of chaste Desire,
Which entrance to poor passengers denies,
And death’s high danger to them that require,
And even as A
And breach to laws of hospitality;
When lodging to a stranger he denied)
Was turnèd to a stony mountain straight;
Which on his shoulders, now, supports heaven’s weight:
(A just revenge for cruelty and pride!)
Even so, thine heart (for inhumanity,
And wrath to those, that thine eyes’ apples love!
And that it will not lodge a lovely guest)
Is turned to rock, and doth the burden bear
Of thousand zealous lovers’ dear complaints;
Whom thou, with thy fierce cruelty, didst tear!
A huge hard rock, which none can ever move;
And of whose fruit, no man can be possesst.
Thy golden smiles make none attempts too dear:
But when attempted once those apples be,
The vain Attempter, after, feels the smart;
Who, by thy dragons, Hatred and Disdain,
Are torn in sunder with extremity!
For having entered, no man can get forth
(So those enchanting apples hinder thee),
Of such dear prize be things of such rare worth;
But even as P
(Begot of D
Huge A
Then killed the dragons with his matchless power:
At length, the beauteous Golden Apples won.
So right is he born in a golden hour
(And for his fortune, may from J
Who first thine heart (an A
Next, Hatred and Disdain brought to their end;
Fierce dragons, which Attempters all pursued,
And which, before, none ever have eschewed.
At length, who shall these golden apples gain,
He shall, alone, be P