Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheElegy XV. O dear remembrance of my Lady’s eyes
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)O
In mind whose revolutions I revolve!
To you, mine heart’s bright guide stars! my Soul cries
Upon some happy Sentence to resolve.
A Sentence either of my life or death!
So bail me from the dungeon of Despair!
On you! I cry, with interrupted breath,
On you! and none but you! to cross my care.
My care to cross, least I be crucified,
Above the patience of a human soul!
Do this! ah this! and still be glorified!
Do this! and let eternities enrol
Thy fame and name! Let them enrol for ever
In lasting records of still lasting steel!
Do this! ah this! and famous still persèver!
Which in another Age, thy ghost shall feel.
Yet, howsoever, thou, with me shall deal;
Thy beauty shall persèver in my Verse!
And thine eyes’ wound, which thine heart would not heal!
And my complaints, which could not thine heart pierce!
And thine hard heart, thy beauty’s shameful stain!
And that foul stain, thine endless infamy!
So, though Thou still in record do remain,
The records reckon but thine obloquy!
When on the paper, which my Passion bears,
Relenting readers, for my sake! shed tears.