Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheIntroductory: Go, bastard Orphan! Pack thee hence!
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)G
And seek some Stranger for defence!
Now ’gins thy baseness to be known!
Nor dare I take thee for mine own;
Thy levity shall be descried!
But if that any have espied,
And questioned with thee, of thy Sire;
Or Mistress of his vain Desire;
Or ask the Place from whence thou came:
Deny thy Sire! Love! Place! and Name!
And if I chance, un’wares to meet thee,
Neither acknowledge me, nor greet me!
Admit I blush (perchance, I shall),
Pass by! regard me not at all!
Be secret, wise, and circumspect!
And modesty sometimes affect!
Some good man, that shall think thee witty,
Will be thy Patron! and take pity;
And when some men shall call thee base
He, for thy sake, shall them disgrace!
Then, with his countenance backed, thou shalt
Excuse the nature of thy fault.
Then, if some lads, when they go by,
Thee, “Bastard!” call; give them the lie!
So, get thee packing! and take heed!
And, though thou go in beggar’s weed,
Hereafter (when I better may)
I’ll send relief, some other day!