Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaLXXVI. She comes! and straight therewith her shining twins do move
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)S
Their rays to me; who, in her tedious absence, lay
Benighted in cold woe: but now appears my day,
The only light of joy, the only warmth of love.
She comes with light and warmth! which like A
Of gentle force, so that mine eyes dare gladly play
With such a rosy morn; whose beams, most freshly gay,
Scorch not: but only do dark chilling sprites remove.
But lo! while I do speak, it groweth noon with me;
Her flamy glistering lights increase with time and place:
My heart cries, “Ah! It burns!” Mine eyes now dazzled be.
No wind, no shade can cool. What help then in my case?
But with short breath, long looks, stayed feet, and walking head;
Pray that my Sun go down with meeker beams to bed.