Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheMadrigal 1. O Powers Celestial! with what sophistry
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)O P
Took She delight, to blank my heart by sorrow!
And in such riddles, act my tragedy:
Making this day, for him; for me, to-morrow!
Where shall I Sonnets borrow?
Where shall I find breasts, sides, and tongue,
Which my great wrongs might to the world dispense?
Where my defence?
My physic, where? For how can I live long,
That have foregone my Heart? I’ll steal from hence,
From restless souls, mine hymns! from seas, my tears!
From winds, my sides! from concave rocks and steel
My sides and voice’s echo! reeds which feel
Calm blasts still moving, which the shepherd bears
For wailful plaints, my tongue shall be!
The land unknown to rest and comfort me.