Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheMadrigal 18. After Aurora’s blush, the sun arose
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)A
And spread his beams!
With whose clear gleams
My prickless rosebud veils his purple leaves!
In whose sweet folds, Morning did pearls enclose,
Where sun his beams, in orb-like circle weaves,
And then t’enrich, stole those
Nature’s beauty, P
Whose favour, sap, and savour, my sense ’reaves.
My Muse had these for themes:
They, to my Muse; my Muse, to them, defence.
Thus by my sun, a rose,
(Though a sweet rose prickless!)
Prickles arose; dear prickle!
Which me diseaseth much, though I be sickless.
Nought me of joy bereaves;
Save favour, sap, and favour, all be fickle.
Blush not for shame that thy sun spread his wings!
My soul in sunder cleaves!
After A